Suggesting examples are not the same as explaining and therefore the interviewee will not be hired and therefore it is not a deadlock
Suggesting examples are not the same as explaining
But the interviewee didnt suggest an example, they merely attempted to create a deadlock.
However, in their attempt to do so they imply that they CAN explain a deadlock and therefore should get the job.
The interviewer doesnt ask for an explanation, only if the interviewee is able to provide one.
I have a feeling that you have to do better than “implying” you know something to land a job
I have a feeling this post is a joke
That’s not possible. Everything on the internet is super serious.
Deadlock resolved
Iamdevloper has been chosen as the deadlock victim by lowleveldata
Isn’t that the haircut The Misfits invented in the 80s?
That’s the devil locks lol
Oh, right. Then it must be Bob Marley’s hair:
No that’s dreadlocks. A deadlock is an early class of battleship.
No, that’s Dreadnought. Deadlock is a Batman villain who is an expert in firearms.
Not, you’re thinking of Deadshot. A deadlock is a Scottish body of water that has been polluted to the point that no life exists in the lake.
No, you’re thinking of a dead lach. A deadlock is an anti folk music pioneer—not really dead yet though he claims to be dead inside.
No, you’re thinking of Lach who as far as I know is still alive. Deadlock is that cyborg guy from Marvel comics.
sorry to ruin the chain but it’s loch, not lach. no irn bru for you!
Hmmm. I think you’re thinking of a dreadnaught. A deadlock is a magic using class in popular roleplaying games whose game powers are granted by a powerfu, but often manipulative, patron.
That’s a warlock. Deadlock is the first frontman from AC/DC, before they got that Geordie fellow.
No that’s a dead loch. A deadlock is the bond of matrimony between two individuals
Honestly, I read it as dreadlocks in the first place.
Me too. I was really wondering what sort of interview this was.
I read the post as “dreadlock” like three times in a row lol. I have been employed as a developer for many years and I don’t think I’ve ever heard of “deadlock” as a named concept until now. The more you know.
Right… I see where I got confused. It’s that band from that cartoon show right?
Jeez, Kevin Bacon back there just won’t get into the game.
What haircut?
Oh. That’s good.
As someone who works with door hardware, this would be a pretty easy interview.
From listening to deviant’s talks, deadlatches still seem to be widely misunderstood.
Something something dining philosophers.
It’s a plot device for Dr Who writers to prolong tension. Do I get the job?
TIL there is a name for this condition
A bit racey for my liking
Who can get there first?
It’s what your safe has when the batteries for the keypad stop working.
The interviewer should ask him to explain livelock, and then leave the room.