This isn’t really night vision in the typical sense. It’s an Infrared camera in a thin package.
Also Military night vision is described wrong. The photon doubled is quite small. The problem is that afterwards the image needs to be turned again. That is done with fiberoptics. Those take the amount of space.
“This is the first demonstration of high resolution up-conversion imaging from 1550-nm infrared to visible 550-nm light in a non-local metasurface," said author Rocio Camacho Morales. "We choose these wavelengths because 1,550 nm, an infrared light, is commonly used for telecommunications, and 550 nm is visible light to which human eyes are highly sensitive. Future research will include expanding the range of wavelengths the device is sensitive to, aiming to obtain broadband IR imaging, as well as exploring image processing, including edge detection.”
That does not sound like an Infrared camera.
Surly there is a lenses that flips images upside down. Have we tried just training people to deal with upside down surly it doesnt take too long for the brain to adapt.
It doesn’t. I recall an experiment a few decades ago where they turned the world upside down. Didn’t take participants long to “normalise” the image.
When they removed the experiment, took even shorter to flip back.
I seem to recall it being done in a train carriage, as art, but I’m not sure.
Huh guess a bit more training and u can totally remove the fibre optic flipping which if i recall correctly is the most expensive part.
The soldiers just have to wear the goggles all the time, or they’ll see upside down for several minutes.
Surly u can adapt to the change given enough practice.
The device captures visible and infrared light, just like a typical night vision scope. They’re working on expanding the spectrum too, which could lead to some interesting and useful results. I understand that, for instance, skin cancers are more visible under certain UV wavelengths, so imagine a doctor being able to just put on a pair of glasses that convert that wavelength to give you a once over during a checkup.
“From evening drives” Bad enough dealing with modern headlights with normal eyes
Do modern headlights emit IR? I don’t think so. Which means these IR amplifiers wouldn’t change the intensity of headlights.
Now that I’ve read my own comment, I see that it came off harsher then I intended it to. Interpret it literally and not like a sarcastic statement.
Btw, just occurred to me that these would probably not work in a car at all, because regular glass is usually opaque to IR.
The material captures visible light too, so headlights would be brighter, but I wonder if there’s a way to reduce the contrast by either filtering out some wavelengths (like driving glasses) or the material simply not boosting it’s output past a certain level?
If I understood correctly, it captures visible light to use it for the amplification of the IR spectrum.
The article says:
The photons travel through a resonant metasurface, where they mingle with a pump beam.
From that, I think it’s suggesting it needs a separate beam of photons to amplify the signal, much like a transistor needs a supply current to amplify the signal it gets.
They also say:
This new tech also captures the visible and non-visible (or infrared) light in one image as you look through the ‘lens.’
Which sounds like it produces an image showing both the IR and visible spectrum in the visible range.
Mind you, re-readind it, most of the article just talks about IR, so I’m not certain what it’s actually doing. It could just be transparent to the visible spectrum. It wouldn’t be much good for driving if it did that though, the windscreen blocks a lot of IR and you’d need IR headlights!
Yeah, it’s absolutely clear that nothing is clear about its operation.
Can’t wait to add this to my transitions blue light filter colour blind prescription smart glasses.