No gods, no masters.
It’s a 6000 year old tradition.
Since we’re talking about Windows:
+ .
to open up the secret emoji/symbols toolbox. 🫛
bunch of babies
multi-polar imperialism
I’m vegan btw
Socialism for me, but not for thee is a bad idea. It ends up like some ethno socialism. Some type of national socialism. I’ll let you figure out the rest.
Welcome to the academic precariat.
Same. It took me years to figure out how to preempt it.
It’s like the energy costs of those supercomputers used for modeling or training CNN models.
Yes. But you’re not just a computer, so it’s good to use the rest of your body. This isn’t a cyberpunk dystopia yet.
I don’t think that stones form so quickly. Maybe it’s time to get some tests?
The great thing about this test is that this age value will remain constant after taking the measurements.
You can use your mastodon account too
I’m aware, but haven’t figured out how to login as such. And I need to keep some order amongst the accounts.
And, yes, it’s vegan btw.
I should migrate to my .vg account.
It wasn’t unique, it wasn’t a “one off”. The unique framing appeals to conservatives as it feeds into exceptionalism and impunity. “We’re special!” It’s those people who only care about stuff when it happens to them. Same as with abortions and “The only moral abortion is my abortion”.
Fundamentally, this is evidence of the failure to generalize learning (what learning is for), a grand failure of intelligence.
That’s why I got a harmonica.
In bad economic times, specialists lose out more to generalists.
if ( parameters.teaMass <= TEA_BAG_WEIGHT ) {
return "Error: incorrect input. Check if tea bag was inserted correctly into water container."
That’s more like social engineering :)
Each fish is an individual.