• 1 Post
Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: July 5th, 2024

  • What the user was doing is that they don’t trust that the system truly deleted the account, and they worry it was just deactivated (while claiming it was “deleted”). So they tried to do a password recovery which often reactivates a falsely “deleted” account.

    I’ve done this before and had to message the company and have them confirm the account is entirely deleted.

  • Using Relational DBs where the data model is better suited to other sorts of DBs.

    This is true if most or all of your data is such. But when you have only a few bits of data here and there, it’s still better to use the RDB.

    For example, in a surveillance system (think Blue Iris, Zone Minder, or Shinobi) you want to use an RDB, but you’re going to have to store JSON data from alerts as well as other objects within the frame when alerts come in. Something like this:

        "time":"2024-07-29 11:12:50.123",
        "coords": {
         <repeat above format multipl times>

    While it’s possible to store this in a flat format in a table. The question is why would you want to. Postgres’ JSONB datatype will store the data as efficiently as anything else, while also making it queryable. This gives you the advantage of not having to rework the the table structure if you need to expand the type of data points used in the detection software.

    It definitely isn’t a solution for most things, but it’s 100% valid to use.

    There’s also the consideration that you just want to store JSON data as it’s generated by whatever source without translating it in any way. Just store the actual data in it’s “raw” form. This allows you to do that also.

    Edit: just to add to the example JSON, the other advantage is that it allows a variable number of objects within the array without having to accommodate it in the table. I can’t count how many times I’ve seen tables with “extra1, extra2, extra3, extra4, …” because they knew there would be extra data at some point, but no idea what it would be.

  • if it’s a small truck then buy a small truck and not giant penis extender with no ability to haul a damn thing.

    Ok, so is this whole discussion a misunderstanding?

    I’m saying “there are valid uses for a truck” and (from what I thought) everyone else is saying “all trucks are bad, you don’t need a truck”.

    But now you’re saying that the discussion is explicitly the exact truck that’s in the photo and small trucks are ok? Is that what you’re saying?

  • do you expect when you post anonymously about “needing” a gigantic truck with a extended cab

    I never said “need” once.

    Ever heard of double bagging?

    Cause THAT’S environmentally friendly.

    Or a trailer?

    A bunch of assumptions there.

    a burn barrel?

    LMAO, that’d be a helluva fast way to get fined around here. I’m in the “country”, but it’s not in the middle of nowhere. It’s a neighborhood built just a bit out from a small town of 5000 people. It’s “country”, but kind of isn’t at the same time. I have to register with the county each time I want to have a fire in the fire pit. And burning garbage is a fast way to get in crap. And not to mention monumentally stupid.

  • I don’t know the exact dimensions, but it’s big enough that I actually had to get rid of my 2015 golf because the front passenger seat became unusable. And I’m not exaggerating. The car seat barely fit with the front seat pushed all the way forward and leaned forward past vertical.

    I know this is a common complaint with parents in the past few years in Canada. I don’t know if child car seat regulations are different at all in the US. I don’t think they are, I’m just not sure.

  • I’m not arguing that. You have a fair point.

    But my argument about a use case for a truck isn’t about MY truck (I don’t have one), it was merely about the valid use for owning a truck.

    I’m getting by right now by wrecking the inside of my car (it’s already done). I looked at getting a roof rack, but the quote I got was around $1400. But that only would help with getting new drywall. Not broken up garbage drywall, and wouldn’t help with bags of garbage.

  • A trailer isn’t out of the question, it just adds a whole new level of inconvenience. It’s extra time to move the car, hook up the trailer, verify the electrical is working (I always check left-right-breaks-4way whenever I connect a trailer), then parking the trailer, disconnecting it, then parking the car. I know it doesn’t sound like much, but that time quickly adds up, and it can get 35+ in the summers and -30 in the winters (Celsius). When getting the kid ready to leave for daycare it’s easier to load up in the relatively comfortable garage. I know that’s a first world problem, but a truck would just simply all of that.

    To be clear, I’m not getting a truck because they’re as expensive as a sports car now, but the point stands.

  • I live out in the country. We don’t get garbage pickup. The garbage dump is very close to my child’s daycare. It’s 20 minutes away. It’s open from 8am to 4:30pm, Monday to Friday. I either bring the garbage with me when I go to daycare, or I have to schedule time off from work to take out garbage.

    I have a Ford Edge, so no, a minivan wouldn’t work. To be clear, it’s not impossible. But a truck would be 10x more convenient.

  • What about people who need extra room for a child’s car seat (they’re huge nowadays) and also need to carry stuff the way a truck does?

    Edit: I live out in the country and I’m in need of a pickup for carrying loads of stuff. Putting it in the back of my Ford Edge is highly inconvenient as it doesn’t fit in one load and messed up the interior (the sides of the trunk are scratched to hell now.

    And my point was simply that there are entirely legitimate uses for a pickup truck. 98% of people don’t have a legitimate use case, but that didn’t mean no one does.

  • JSON data within a database is perfectly fine and has completely justified use cases. JSON is just a way to structure data. If it’s bespoke data or something that doesn’t need to be structured in a table, a JSON string can keep all that organized.

    We use it for intake questionnaire data. It’s something that needs to be on file for record purposes, but it doesn’t need to be queried aside from simply being loaded with the rest of the record.

    Edit: and just to add, even MS SQL/Azure SQL has the ability to both query and even index within a JSON object. Of course Postgres’ JSONB data type is far better suited for that.

  • CeeBee_Eh@lemmy.worldtolinuxmemes@lemmy.worldLOL
    2 months ago

    The distro part is actually kinda easy. In my mind there’s only a few distros that should ever be considered by a new user. Fedora, or Ubuntu/Mint/Pop!_OS. The last three are effectively the same thing under the hood and all of them will do the job.

    The real hard question is which desktop environment. Plasma is generally my go to suggestion. I feel it follows a tried and true paradigm for UI and UX. It’s incredibly polished, fast, and very full featured. The one that really sticks out as odd to me is gnome and is the one that I would never recommend. I wouldn’t discourage, just not recommend.

  • For hundreds of years women couldn’t vote and minorities were categorically segregated.

    That’s a strawman analogy. We’re not talking about privacy as a whole. The discussion here is about the supposed right to privacy at, what amounts to, a government controlled entrance point into the country. You have to identify yourself no matter which technology is being used. There’s no anonymity at an airport (from the government). Whether it’s technology or a piece of paper, you are legally required to identify yourself.

    I keep saying this over and over, but if you want to talk about digital privacy, focus your energy on smartphones and the internet. The impact for privacy violation and the impact for regaining privacy rights is the most effective there.

    Only a subset of any population has any interaction with an airport and the privacy implications there are next to nothing (because there is no right to anonymity there).