“We recognize that, in the next four years, our decision may cause us to have an even more difficult time. But we believe that this will give us a chance to recalibrate, and the Democrats will have to consider whether they want our votes or not.”

That’s gotta be one of the strangest reasonings I’ve heard in a while.

  • EatATaco@lemm.ee
    11 months ago

    In the little exerpt included in with the submission, a spokesman makes it clear that they would be worse off in the short run if trump gets elected, but they are thinking long term.

    And this comment is implying they are pro trump…and it’s the highest voted comment? What’s going on here?

    • PugJesus@kbin.social
      11 months ago

      “But they are thinking long term”

      Yes, I’m sure a second Trump presidency will be just great for democracy and Muslims in the long-term.

      • EatATaco@lemm.ee
        11 months ago

        I agree, probably wouldn’t be. Couple that with all of the other threats to our world that Trump poses and “we’re not happy with Biden’s Israel/Palenstine issue so we’re pulling support” seems incredibly stupid to me.

        But the poster implied they were supporting Trump, when they pretty clearly said they do not. Right there in the excerpt from the article. And it’s still being upvoted. It’s kind of embarrassing, actually, how little people had to read what is right in front of them to not be wrong on this point. . .and it’s still a popular opinion getting upvotes.

        • PugJesus@kbin.social
          11 months ago

          In a two-party system, refusing support to one party is effectively supporting the other. It’s not an insane thing to accuse people of, regardless of what they say.

          • floppade [he/him]@lemm.ee
            11 months ago

            If you check out the research work done by the political compass, you see it’s actually a one party system wearing a two party outfit.

              • floppade [he/him]@lemm.ee
                11 months ago

                Go check it out. They track democracies from all over the world. It is not partisan. They do not take pundits. They track policies and statements from the officials themselves. If you do not like actual sources, then I don’t know what to tell you. American candidates for the presidency have largely been on the authoritarian right for a decade. Candidates from both parties end up very close to each other on the chart.

      • floppade [he/him]@lemm.ee
        11 months ago

        Letting Democrats take advantage of your vote and not listen to you over and over again it’s not a good strategy either. They don’t actually stop any of the things they used to fearmonger people with. They just wait so that they can use them as a threat again in the next election cycle. That’s an abusive relationship.

        • kromem@lemmy.world
          11 months ago

          “Yes, Jews recognize that it might not be the best next four years for us, but we just cannot support the Social Democratic Party of Germany for the 1933 election as our concerns are ignored by them and we are taken for granted. We’re thinking about the long term strategy here.”

          Because the best strategy for leaving an abusive relationship is to start dating a serial killer.

    • floppade [he/him]@lemm.ee
      11 months ago

      A lot of people feel justified in not actually listening to others and judging them from afar as what is happening. They feel justified in doing this for very specific reasons.

    • ToastedPlanet@lemmy.blahaj.zone
      11 months ago

      We live in a two party system. If you form a coalition to make Biden lose, then you’re making Trump win. They’re pro-Trump because they’re helping Trump. What’s going on is a fascist takeover of our country. We aren’t giving slack to anyone who enables fascism. The fascists will kill more people not less. This is bad short term thinking and bad long term thinking. The reward for helping fascists is death.

      • EatATaco@lemm.ee
        11 months ago

        I agree with you it’s a dumb move. But dear God, they’re literally telling you, almost explicitly, that they don’t support the trump (basically supporting noone in the up coming election) and you’re still desperately torturing logic and twisting words to deny it. Is it really so hard for you to accept reality? Is it really so hard for you to accept that things are not so black and white?

        • ToastedPlanet@lemmy.blahaj.zone
          11 months ago

          It is that black and white. We live in a two party system, that’s reality. It’s not twisting words, it’s math. If one candidate doesn’t win, the other candidate does. Republicans are overrepresented by the electoral college, not voting helps them win. The support may be inadvertent, but it’s still support. They can say they don’t support Trump all they want. If they don’t vote for Biden, they are supporting Trump.

          • EatATaco@lemm.ee
            11 months ago

            The support may be inadvertent, but it’s still support.

            Using this tortured logic, if one doesn’t move to a swing state, even if they support and vote for Biden, their non action inadvertently helps trump get elected, so they actually support Trump.

            It’s painfully dumb.

            • ToastedPlanet@lemmy.blahaj.zone
              11 months ago

              Republicans typically represent rural communities with low populations and high surface area. The electoral college votes are allocated to states based on the number of senators and representatives. Both of these are in turn skewed in favor of Republicans as each state gets two senators no matter what and the total number of house seats is capped at 435. Since neither chamber is properly apportioned by population, Republicans are overrepresented in both chambers.

              Using this tortured logic, if one doesn’t move to a swing state, even if they support and vote for Biden, their non action inadvertently helps trump get elected, so they actually support Trump.

              No one knows for sure which states are swing states until it’s too late. Remember the blue wall in 2016? Not enough democrat voters showed up and what were supposedly blue states went to Trump.

              If a person doesn’t vote in an election then they are helping Republicans. If a person doesn’t vote for Biden then they are helping Trump.

              A person doesn’t have to declare their undying loyalty to a candidate in order to support them. Making the other guy lose the election is sufficient. Your argument is splitting hairs.

              • EatATaco@lemm.ee
                11 months ago

                No one knows for sure which states are swing states until it’s too late. Remember the blue wall in 2016? Not enough democrat voters showed up and what were supposedly blue states went to Trump.

                Trump didn’t win any blue states, he won most of the swing states. And we also knew these were the close states, and we know which states are likely to be close again. This idea that “well, we plumb just don’t know what will be close states” is pretty much nonsense.

                This is a dumb argument used to totally miss the point.

                If a person doesn’t vote in an election then they are helping Republicans.

                What if that person had voted, they would have voted for Trump? That voter is now hurting Trump’s chances, but according to this big-brain logic, that voter is actually helping Trump! lol.

                And a person who doesn’t vote in a swing state is also helping Trump, despite the fact that they might have even voted for Biden. So, again, according to your logic, you can support and vote for Biden and still be a Trump supporter.

                Your argument is splitting hairs.

                You literally just argued “well, we don’t know for sure which are going to be swing states!” in an attempt to take down my point, and you’re accusing me of splitting hairs by pointing out that not supporting Biden does not mean you support Trump. Holy shit, this is hilarious. Do you even think about what you write down?

                • ToastedPlanet@lemmy.blahaj.zone
                  11 months ago

                  Trump didn’t win any blue states, he won most of the swing states. And we also knew these were the close states, and we know which states are likely to be close again. This idea that “well, we plumb just don’t know what will be close states” is pretty much nonsense.

                  This is a dumb argument used to totally miss the point.

                  We didn’t know they were swing states at the time. Some people suspected, but most people were surprised when the blue wall fell. It’s not missing the point. If enough Democratic voters don’t vote in any state, Republicans win, because Republicans win with low voter turn out. Apathy is how fascism wins.

                  Also, these people are planning on not voting in states that they believe are swing states, so your argument’s tangent misses the point.

                  Muslim Americans in swing states launch anti-Biden campaign

                  What if that person had voted, they would have voted for Trump? That voter is now hurting Trump’s chances, but according to this big-brain logic, that voter is actually helping Trump! lol.


                  Muslim Americans in swing states launch anti-Biden campaign

                  Muslim Americans have already been targeted as scapegoats with Trump’s travel ban which targeted Middle Eastern countries. So they probably weren’t planning on voting Trump. Regardless, if a hard core Trump supporter doesn’t vote then that is a detriment to Trump. But hard core Trump voters aren’t typical voters. While this is a generalization, people living in cities tend to vote blue and the majority of people live in or near cities. So if more people voted, Democrats should do better in elections.

                  You literally just argued “well, we don’t know for sure which are going to be swing states!” in an attempt to take down my point, and you’re accusing me of splitting hairs by pointing out that not supporting Biden does not mean you support Trump. Holy shit, this is hilarious. Do you even think about what you write down?

                  We never know the results of elections before hand, so we don’t know which states will be swing states in future elections. We know which states were swings states before, but voter turn out has been the greatest deciding factor in the last two presidential elections. So we need to call out the people who are threatening not to vote in historic swing states. But we also need to call out voters in historic non-swing states because those states could become swing states in the next election.

                  …not supporting Biden does not mean you support Trump.

                  We live in a two party system. If Biden loses then Trump wins. By not supporting Biden, they are supporting Trump.

                  Do you even think about what you write down?

                  I am not relevant to the topic of discussion.

                  • EatATaco@lemm.ee
                    11 months ago

                    We didn’t know they were swing states at the time.

                    Of course we know they were swing states. It was the almost the same set of states in 2016 that were going to be close that they were from the election before that, and 2020 was similar too. We have pretty decent polling that shows which states are harder to call than others.

                    but most people were surprised when the blue wall fell.

                    I don’t know what the “blue wall” is, but people were surprised that Clinton lost. This has absolutely no bearing on the fact that there were 11 battleground states in 2016, Trump won 5 of them. He didn’t win any democratic strong-holds, as you seem to be claiming. They were all states that could have reasonably gone either way, and they went Trump’s way.

                    So using your own logic, that their inaction of not-supporting Biden makes them Trump supporters, if you live in a non-swing state and don’t move to a swing state, your inaction is helping Trump win thus you are a Trump supporter. It’s really that simple. Accept this use of your logic or accept that the logic is broken. Remember, two party system, so if you don’t do what you can to get Biden elected, then you are actually supporting Trump.

                    We never know the results of elections before hand

                    Swing state doesn’t mean “it’s going to go from one party to another” it means “the outcome is reasonably uncertain.” Basically, polling is close enough that a lot more votes need to come in before someone can reasonably call the election a win for one candidate or another. Like for CA, not hard to call it’s going to go blue within the first few hours of voting. PA, however, is really hard to tell before counting almost all of the votes. If you remember 2020, Trump was ahead until they counted all the votes and Biden ended up winning

                    So we need to call out the people who are threatening not to vote in historic swing states.

                    You know who else won’t vote in swing states? People who don’t live there. Again, your logic, if you don’t move to a swing state, you are helping Trump.

                    By not supporting Biden, they are supporting Trump.

                    But they are also not supporting Trump so using this busted-ass logic, they are also Biden supporters. It’s mind-boggling it’s still being argued.

                    I am not relevant to the topic of discussion.

                    I didn’t say you were, I just pointed out how little critical thought seemed to be going into the argument that I was “splitting hairs” when, in reality, it is you splitting hairs.

      • EatATaco@lemm.ee
        11 months ago

        Religious people making bad decisions doesn’t preclude people here from not being bright enough to read an excerpt that is right in front of them so they won’t be terribly wrong on what they think is a ridiculous position.