America is too dependent on tech developed owned and operated by the american military?!
the fuck?
And this is why the EU should have ignored the US when they whined that our Gallileo system used different frequencies from GPS.
As it stands now Gallileo was built to using frequencies that the US can jam using GPS.
Who’s “We”? The Government?
“Government is too reliant on Government?” (GPS is run by the US Government)
So they want to rely less on government, but relying on a corporation.
GPS isn’t just for google maps. I’m a land surveyor and we literally use GPS every single day. Without it we’re basically fucked. We do hydrographic surveying and without GPS we’d have to basically go back to analog as 90% of the equipment on our boat would be useless. Good luck figuring out how much water is left in the Colorado river without it.
Im not exactly an expert on this, but i am very familiar with what my job requires. The National Geodetic Survey (NGS) will be completely fucked without it as it’s built on decades of data and monitoring. You can’t just look for “alternatives.” Whatever Elmo has is not robust enough for the precision that is required for what we use GPS for. And without shit like that you couldn’t hit the broad side of a city.
Most receivers already use GPS, GLONASS, Galileo and beidou.
That’s weird, I always viewed GPS as a form of American Imperialism. Sure, it’s a bit extreme maybe, but America does own and operate it and jam it when enemies try to use it.
Calling GPS part of imperialism is a stretch. It was put in the air at no cost to another country and can be used without cost by anybody, but nobody has to use it. Other countries can launch their own satellites if they want, but they don’t because that’s expensive and GPS is free. The US isn’t making money off of it or exploiting another country with it.
Yes, the US can jam it regionally when in conflict but of course why wouldn’t we? No reason to help the enemy.
Other countries can launch their own satellites if they want, but they don’t because that’s expensive
They do, and they did:
EU (not a country, but still) - Galileo
Russia - GLONASS
China - BeiDou
They all have their own.
I really hope this means another attempt to use the magnetosphere itself. MAGNAV might actually be possible at this point.
Edit: better article. AI advancements make MAGNAV a real possibility now.
How does that handle high tension lines and the like, doesn’t it disturb the magnetosphere far too much? Kinda the reason even compasses don’t work anymore in town?
No idea. I think there’s a lot of machine learning - enabled mapping up front.
this would also be susceptible to magnetic field switching as well, shouldnt be a huge technical limitation, but im not sure accuracy is going to be quite as good.