Democratic politicians supported the proliferation of law enforcement, on public transportation, in schools, even inside homes, a move that has only served to increase the number of people killed by police. Democratic policies are what first empowered the police to become a violent force against the left and in deference to Trump. What Trump understands is that the glory, power, and social currency of the police serve as the backbone for authoritarianism in the United States. It is a militaristic, hyper masculine system which is impervious to change and maddeningly difficult to monitor.
Democrats have always laid the foundation for Republican oppression, then claim to oppose that oppression when it happens. Someone like Trump will weaponize the police that Biden militarized. All of a sudden liberals will become aware of the 60+ cop cities across the country
Im guessing you weren’t an adult in 1996, would that be accurate?
And you would be way off. Democrats have been militarizing the police for decades.
The Omnibus Crime Bill was popular on both sides and was celebrated by the GOP. Framing it as if it was all Biden is a stretch.
If there’s a single bill that’s been drafted over the last 40 years that has been an invasion of our privacy or have restricted our rights, it’s got Democrat fingerprints on it, and in many cases, Biden specifically.
I’m just curious: can you name a single bad thing that Donald Trump has done?
Edit: note, he appears to be unable to criticize Republicans directly. Curious, that.
Everyone to your left is a trumper.
You calling yourself a Trumper?
No, you do that plenty to anyone to the left of netanyahu.
It’s very binary to assume critique of one implies support for the other. Republicans crimes don’t need to be tallied because they wear them on their sleeves for all to see, they will tell the public to their face what they are gonna do. Liberals on the other hand are more covert in their actions, talk one thing, legislate like their Republican counterparts. That’s how their ratchet effect works.
Liberals are very selective in what they are outraged about. Turn a blind eye when BlueMAGA does something, and screech bad when MAGA does the same thing. Or ignore things like Biden giving trump everything needed to ‘finish the job’ while only focusing on trump saying he will finish the job.
So, no?
Shouldn’t be hard for you to call one out and decry it then. Just pick one.
“I assume you are younger than me and are therefore wrong” - boomers who made this mess.
No I would presume they have no context of the time period given how ignorant of a take they have on that time period. If they weren’t an adult then it would make sense to not realize how stupid their claim is.
And you base that assumption on them not agreeing with you.
As opposed to your assumption that anyone who doesn’t immediately accept your boomer “wisdom” as gospel must be a child.
No, I base that on how remarkably ignorant placing the entirety of the 1996 crime bill on Biden is because I was a voting adult who read the news back then. People who weren’t adults back then don’t have the context of that time period that people who were adults then are going to have.
No matter how wounded your ego might be by the suggestion you are never going to have an informed perspective on time periods you weren’t around for compared to those who were.
Sounds like a convenient way to win an argument by dubious virtue of being old.
No, it’s the difference between real life experience and reading about the same event in a book.
Yeah, you got to believe that the crime bill was a good thing in real time.