Suburbs were intentionally designed to be hostile to families without a car. This created a financial barrier to living in the suburbs, organically weeding out “undesirable” (aka non-white) families. Yes this also meant that many white families also couldn’t afford to move to the suburbs, but that was a downside the rich white racists were willing to accept if it meant keeping most non-white families out.
No, malicious. Racist in fact.
Suburbs were intentionally designed to be hostile to families without a car. This created a financial barrier to living in the suburbs, organically weeding out “undesirable” (aka non-white) families. Yes this also meant that many white families also couldn’t afford to move to the suburbs, but that was a downside the rich white racists were willing to accept if it meant keeping most non-white families out.
Add in redlining and you’ve got yourself a good ol’ American suburb!
You’re absolutely right but I’m also gonna go out on a limb and say malicious/racist and incompetent are not mutually exclusive from one another.
They are not but this incompetence angle ignores a more likely scenario: corruption
But people in us sleep better when we say:
Yeah sure but this big money and when there is money, there is corruption
This the hill I will die on.