I know that people think I’m insane and that’s OK but flu shots help prevent the same sort of illness that killed millions back in 1917 till about  1920.
I used to think getting the flu shot was pointless and got at least a little sick every year. Then I started preaching about how we have to get the covid shot and felt like a hypocrite so I started getting the flu shot with my covid booster every year. I haven’t gotten sick since. It works and it’s so easy to get! For now…
This is the first year in many that I actually got the flu, and it sucked. Yearly shots and all, this is just a rough year, and of course it’s the year that we abandon it all.
Makes me sad that anyone would call you insane for typing this comment.
lol wow. I’m gonna have to plan a trip north of the border to get my fucking flu vaccine? Holy shit.
Edit: not sarcastic. I would do that, particularly in the context of “the entire country isn’t vaccinated”
By that time, will we even be welcomed, or even allowed, to cross any borders? Not by our own government, but others.
But also, maybe by our own government too.
The US health system is going to be tested like never before with RFK at the helm of health. People will die. Children will die. People are dying because we allow moronic exceptions for “personal beliefs”.
The blood of the dead will be on many hands from Trump to RFK to the creators of Project 2025 and many more. But most especially I’ll personally blame the single issue voters who couldn’t see the forest for the trees and didn’t vote against Trump by voting for Kamala.
this motherfucker is going to kill us all, he’s starting with your babies, parents and grandparent who won’t be able to find a vaccine to keep them safe, unless they’re rich. i don’t know why americans aren’t rioting yet, guess not enough people died the last time trump was in charge. the loved ones of all that died from the inept covid response, voted trump back into office. didn’t even hear it come up as an election issue. start buying shares in morticians, funeral homes, and cemeteries cause i’ts comin, as night follows day
A nation of fools.
Absolute morons.
Its a nation of thieves, selling their souls for gold.
Sick, weak, stupid, misinformed, the American way!
This is going to be bad. Everything has been, but with as easily as the flu can be spread, this is going to grind a lot of shit to a hault when the season kicks off.