How about just 0 and 1? They didn’t specify what base.
Could also say pi is just 10 in base π
What’s 9 in base pi?
9 (the base pi number) doesn’t exist because all digits must be less than pi. 9 (the base 10 number) is apparently roughly 22.2021120021 in base pi.
Edit: a bit of explanation for that last one, it’s because 2π + 2 + 2/π + 2/π3 + 1/π4 ≈ 8.99
Technically they didn’t specify what number their use of the symbol ‘9’ represents!!!
They wanted to know how to represent 6, but displayed upside down.
would all integers necessarily be irrational in base π?
Except for 0, 1, 2, 3.
Integers are necessarily irrational because π is transcendental and not an algebraic number.
If you wanted it spelled right, you should have talked to an englisher
a matematician specializes in palgebra
Is the decimal point a digit, or a character?
A character
Must be - a digit would be beside the point here.