President Joe Biden highlighted his administration’s economic record, citing consistent job growth and a 2.7% inflation rate drop from its 2022 peak.
December’s jobs report showed 256,000 new jobs and declining unemployment, signaling steady economic growth.
However, inflation remains above the Federal Reserve’s 2% target, and interest rates remain high, impacting homebuyers and businesses.
Public pessimism lingers on affordability as Biden passes a largely strong economy to his successor, Donald Trump.
‘Than Ever’
dude was a senator starting at 1972.
he’s been an active participant in this
Sure, a massive disaster caused by trump et all fucking things up was recovered from. But that’s not really Biden’s doing, except in the most ephemeral of senses
yeah biden’s really asking for a lot of credit right now for just being an ordinary republican president. we needed to hold the insurrectionists accountable, first and foremost, and he didn’t
I thought the president didn’t have the power to do that. What could he do differently?
Fire Merrick Garland and appoint someone with teeth to go after the fucking ringleader?
Merrick Garland has been working to build a case against Trump. Trump delayed the cases. How can Merrick Garland’s replacement stop Trump from delaying cases?
Merrick Garland deferred to decorum at every turn. Knowing full well decorum is not an option in organized crime.
Just because a suspect twisted a political career into his organized crime does not mean it shouldn’t still be treated like organized crime regardless of the political optics.
What’s an example of Garland deferring to decorum?
It sounds like you’re saying Garland should’ve “gone rogue” or broken the law to take down Trump.
The same judicial system that gives Merrick Garland any authority has been corrupted with GOP picks that will rule in favor of Trump.
Not in the least. He ignored the law and most importantly, justice, in the process of appearing apolitical. He waited forever to appoint Jack Smith, he didn’t file charges for sedition or treason against any members of the Trump cabinet when it was obviously needed to at least bring details to light, he didn’t go after any of Trump’s kids (or Kushner) for illegal monetary gain when newspapers had plenty enough details to do so, and he let the Hunter Biden lawsuit continue after it was obvious they had no real cause. All in the process of appearing apolitical. Republicans would have had a hard time getting better outcomes from having one of their own lackeys in that position.
He doesn’t just run the department of law and order, he runs the department of justice. And we got none of it during his tenure.
What laws/justice did he ignore?
This was done as soon as there was a case.
You can’t file charges without evidence especially just to “bring details to light”.
This investigation is still happening. Why are you claiming there is enough evidence based off of newspaper articles?
You want Garland to stop lawsuits now? Didn’t Hunter Biden lose that lawsuit and get found guilty?
We have never seen a president with 1 felony. Let alone all the felonies and laws Trump has broken. The DOJ wasn’t built to handle this.
The DOJ can’t just throw Trump in prison.
The same system that gives Merrick Garland power, gives Trump power.
Even if Garland was to ignore that and arrest Trump without due process like you’re suggesting. There would be another incident like January 6th with Trump followers storming whatever prison Trump is locked up in.
Would have helped if Garland didn’t wait over 2 years to get started. He did this intentionally so they could then say “oopsie, we can’t continue to prosecute because now it looks politically motivated.” If Trump didn’t try for another run, Garland may have done nothing at all. He has 0 interest in holding the elites accountable and it shows.
I’ve heard this conspiracy theory. But the fact is there was never any evidence to support this. It seems like a talking point being pushed to garner bad public sentiment for Trumps enemies.
Obvious low effort troll. Garland did nothing to prosecute until 2023, this is an indisputable fact.
Obvious bad faith argument.
An investigation has to take place before prosecution.
The January 6th insurrection caused thousands of cases. All cases had its own suspects, witnesses and investigations. All had to be investigated before prosecuting. All while the DOJ had to investigate Trump.
All this had to happen before prosecution.
Covid was China, how do you figure it’s Trump’s fault?
You can’t control all the challenges of your presidency but there were a lot of actions he could have taken to reduce the harm done. Instead he worked to make it worse.
He withheld and stole equipment from blue states and sent it to Russia. He was actively anti-mask and anti-vax. Which both reduce harm to people (and the economy), he postponed stimulus checks so he could put his name on them. He allowed giving away taxpayer money to corporations and people that didn’t need it (PPP loans) and neglected the small businesses that could have actually used it.
He told people to inject bleach like what the fuck.
Nah, He didn’t.
But you construct whatever batshit insane reality you need too bud. Everyone needs a boogey man that they can direct their self hatred toward.
The quote made during a televised back and forth discussion with a doctor:
“And then I see the disinfectant where it knocks it out in a minute. One minute. And is there a way we can do something like that, by injection inside or almost a cleaning?”
Honestly, if the message you got from this quote was “HE SAID INJECT BLEACH!!”, you either have a severe comprehension issue, understand but still choose to live in your fantasy, or you just consider internet headlines the most credible source of news available.
You ignored the look on the doctor’s face when he said that, didn’t you? Exactly what inside do you think he was talking about? He got the idea from doing it inside hospitals, so it wasn’t that.
Ok, sure. He asked about injecting disinfectant. That isn’t better. If he didn’t pretend to be smarter than experts that would be fine, but he can’t ask that and still say he knows best on how to handle a pandemic. His disregard for human life makes me angry. I wish him all the karma he is due.
Yep I don’t like this mischaracterization either. What he said was at least as stupid but this meme using the word bleach won’t die. It’s very odd.
You cannot simultaneously ignore all the mistakes Trump made around covid but also blame China just because the virus originated there.
First detected in China. It originated at MRI in KC.
Surely you’re not really this stupid…