Psychiatry has not always been kind to the LGBTQ community. Homosexuality was considered a mental illness in many countries as late as the mid-20th century—if it was not classified as an outright crime. Even Sweden, that Scandinavian bastion of openness and equality, identified being gay as a disorder as late as 1979.
That year, a group of Swedes took advantage of the legal framework that made being gay an illness and called in sick to work, claiming their homosexuality as the reason. One woman, from the southern province of Smålandeven, managed to get Social Security benefits for calling in gay.
I think having been repeatedly fired/getting chased out of my career field for being trans should qualify me for some kind of benefit. When the fascism stops, will there be reparations?
To paraphrase Jeff Foxworthy’s bit about men losing their hair:
“You will never hear a competent business owner say ‘I hate trans!’ Because as long as you’re a good worker, we like you! And we’re not going to say anything that’ll make you get up and leave.”
After I was outed at the middle school I worked at (and it is currently illegal for me to use a men’s restroom - which I do, because if you put a fedora on me I’d look like a professional 2010s r/atheism “quote maker”), I found another job. I went through a week of training; after my background check came in the fired me. Not only fired me, but tried to not pay me for the training. Spent months fighting to get a check. Was pretty desperate too - the divorce process was also wonderful cognizant of my status as a queer/second class American.
When I was in college, I worked a bunch of odd jobs. I had to give my drivers license to the day labor director once for a W2 or something - it still said “F” because surgery was $5500 (insurance don’t cover - lol) - I never got a gig again after that. Turned to sex work to make rent. Have genuine PTSD, but it’s not the kind you can talk about in polite company.
I think I’m pretty fucking bright and capable - but living in a world where someone digging up a picture of me in my high fucking prom dress could get me fired is kinda breaking my brain at this point. I’d love to be able to move to a place where the fact that I have a vagina isn’t a massive handicap and I can do the job I love and was born to do and am really fucking good at - but wait, the resources to be able to do that are based on hiding, being exploited, or that case where I am too fucking useful to let go. I’m just going to have to burn myself out until I can afford to move to someplace where I’m not terrified that my pharmacy will stop filling my hormone prescriptions.
It’s a bit of a play on words, since Småland literally translates to Small land, making it apt as this is where you can leave your children at IKEA.
I looked up the etymology of the name out of interest, and it seems like it stems from it being made up of a collection of smaller self-ruling villages, located between Skåne that has often been under Danish control, and Götaland which was controlled by Götar.
Indeed! I was planning on mentioning that as well but forgot.
IKEA is an acronym: Ingvar Kamprad Elmtaryd Agunnaryd - the name of the founder Ingvar Kamprad, the village of Elmtaryd (now spelled Älmtaryd) located in the parish of Agunnaryd.
An oldie, but goldie.
“Sorry I can’t come to work, still gay”
I think having been repeatedly fired/getting chased out of my career field for being trans should qualify me for some kind of benefit. When the fascism stops, will there be reparations?
To paraphrase Jeff Foxworthy’s bit about men losing their hair:
“You will never hear a competent business owner say ‘I hate trans!’ Because as long as you’re a good worker, we like you! And we’re not going to say anything that’ll make you get up and leave.”
After I was outed at the middle school I worked at (and it is currently illegal for me to use a men’s restroom - which I do, because if you put a fedora on me I’d look like a professional 2010s r/atheism “quote maker”), I found another job. I went through a week of training; after my background check came in the fired me. Not only fired me, but tried to not pay me for the training. Spent months fighting to get a check. Was pretty desperate too - the divorce process was also wonderful cognizant of my status as a queer/second class American.
When I was in college, I worked a bunch of odd jobs. I had to give my drivers license to the day labor director once for a W2 or something - it still said “F” because surgery was $5500 (insurance don’t cover - lol) - I never got a gig again after that. Turned to sex work to make rent. Have genuine PTSD, but it’s not the kind you can talk about in polite company.
I think I’m pretty fucking bright and capable - but living in a world where someone digging up a picture of me in my high fucking prom dress could get me fired is kinda breaking my brain at this point. I’d love to be able to move to a place where the fact that I have a vagina isn’t a massive handicap and I can do the job I love and was born to do and am really fucking good at - but wait, the resources to be able to do that are based on hiding, being exploited, or that case where I am too fucking useful to let go. I’m just going to have to burn myself out until I can afford to move to someplace where I’m not terrified that my pharmacy will stop filling my hormone prescriptions.
That fucking sucks, and I’m sorry to hear all that.
You didn’t say, but I got the distinct impression you live in Texas. Hope you find some place more acceptable to live and work soon.
Definitely not something to be proud of. :P
Note that there’s a typo in the source article:
Isn’t that the name of the ikea play place?
It is indeed.
It’s a bit of a play on words, since Småland literally translates to Small land, making it apt as this is where you can leave your children at IKEA.
I looked up the etymology of the name out of interest, and it seems like it stems from it being made up of a collection of smaller self-ruling villages, located between Skåne that has often been under Danish control, and Götaland which was controlled by Götar.
Småland is also where the first IKEA was founded.
Indeed! I was planning on mentioning that as well but forgot.
IKEA is an acronym: Ingvar Kamprad Elmtaryd Agunnaryd - the name of the founder Ingvar Kamprad, the village of Elmtaryd (now spelled Älmtaryd) located in the parish of Agunnaryd.
Älmtaryd/Agunnaryd are located in Småland.