• TheFriar@lemm.ee
      3 months ago

      lol okay

      So tell me: is this the one scientific paper about the effects of climate change that somehow found the rise in global temperature as we continue to release co2 and methane into the air doesn’t increase the drought conditions, extreme heat, more powerful and deadly storms, loss of crops? Because you being so smart having read this study, it must be something new, right? Not exactly what scientists have been saying for decades? This one study on this subject must be completely groundbreaking and not relaying the information that has been found in all the other studies, correct? I mean, obviously it is, because it’s found that extreme weather events, sea level rise, and a dying planet bringing acidified oceans and untenable land and drought (and the concurrent famine) aren’t the results of our actions…right?

      • troed@fedia.io
        3 months ago

        Are you refering to IPCC AR6 as “one scientific paper”?

        … and getting upvotes?

        I mean. Peak stupidity.

        • TheFriar@lemm.ee
          3 months ago

          Jeezus. You’re really trying to argue semantics instead of defending your position? You know “AR6” stands for “sixth assessment report,” right? They accumulated a bunch of papers, and made…a report on the findings.

          But since you’re clearly so much smarter than everyone and read so much more than us, why don’t you enlighten us all on these brand new findings that you know everything about? Did they or did they not find that human emissions are causing increasingly dangerous conditions? So please, pass your infinite wisdom to us peons. Grace us with your genius! Because you seem to be implying that they didn’t—more than that, you’re straight up claiming that they didn’t. Are you sure you read it?

          • troed@fedia.io
            3 months ago

            IPCC AR6 is the scientific consensus regarding climate science, and no, it does not support your doomism.

            You’ve never read it.

            • TheFriar@lemm.ee
              3 months ago

              lol and yet you refuse to expand on it. I’m really starting to believe you’ve never read it.

              Here’s the synthesis:

              • Human activities, principally through emissions of greenhouse gases, have unequivocally caused global warming, with global surface temperature reaching 1.1°C above 1850–1900 in 2011–2020. Global greenhouse gas emissions have continued to increase, with unequal historical and ongoing contributions arising from unsustainable energy use, land use and land-use change, lifestyles and patterns of consumption and production across regions, between and within countries, and among individuals."
              • “Continued greenhouse gas emissions will lead to increasing global warming, with the best estimate of reaching 1.5°C in the near term in considered scenarios and modelled pathways. Every increment of global warming will intensify multiple and concurrent hazards (high confidence). Deep, rapid, and sustained reductions in greenhouse gas emissions would lead to a discernible slowdown in global warming within around two decades, and also to discernible changes in atmospheric composition within a few years (high confidence).”
              • “Climate change is a threat to human well-being and planetary health (very high confidence). There is a rapidly closing window of opportunity to secure a liveable and sustainable future for all (very high confidence).”

              Note that last bullet point. The words may be different, but trying to tell me that human caused climate change is not an active and increasing threat to human life is beyond absurd. “There is a rapidly closing window of opportunity to secure a liveable…future.

              Do you know what they’re saying? Why are you trying to dampen the reality of the threat or continued emissions? Are you literally just some shitty shill to say we’re all fine and nothing is happening?

              • troed@fedia.io
                3 months ago


                You’re the one that claimed stuff not supported by the IPCC reports. Now trying to pin your random hallucinations on me won’t cut it.

                The world is not actively murdering us. That was your claim. If we don’t cut emissions we will get into problems with changing growing regions for crops, need to move away from current sea level infrastructure and most of all we’ll see wars raging when we don’t allow people to move with the changing climate zones due to national borders.

                Try reading the appropriate Working Group section instead of the summaries. You might even learn something.
