A government based on numerology can’t be any worse than whatever the fuck is going on right now. I support it.
If we had zero states, we’d really be indivisible.
The United of America
If you wanna go that route, The of America is more accurate to the current situation…
Well, not if we unite all of our
There’s a bigger chance of The Beatles getting back together 😄
Wouldn’t that make everyone else indivisible by us? I think the military would like a word.
This is a prime example of how it should be the prime directive for the country to reach a prime number of states. This can be taken on as the prime responsibility for the prime minister (if you had one…you should make one).
United Kingdom: recreate the English heptarchy, keep Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland as separate things, and then give London autonomy too. Now we have 11 that are all of a similar scale. Cumbria becomes part of Scotland and Cornwall becomes part of Wales to account for the parts that weren’t in the heptarchy. If Northern Ireland unites with the rest of Ireland, we create a united body to represent the crown dependencies and overseas territories and count that as the 11th
I’m onboard with this plan.
Canada is killing it. We added Nunavut a while ago to make 13 provinces/territories and continue to have a Prime Minister.
“One nation, indivisible; except by itself and one.”
And we all agree who that “one” is
Harmonica hands: “No, I’m not!”
Or, hear me out, take those 3 and drop 6 states to make 47. I’ll leave it to the readers to decide which 6.
It was nice having a gulf coast
Nah we have to keep the mouth of the Mississippi, it’s too economical.
If I was going to keep one, it would have been Louisiana anyway.
Can I drop Florida twice
Idaho is just sitting there, not doing much of anything . . .
whichever would separate east and west, just for shits and giggles
Give Texas back to Mexico, then invade it for the oil.
Ah you must be working in marketing. Or just stirring shit for fun.
Mergers would work, too. Turn some of those tri-state areas into mono-state areas.
Throughout US history, all of our battleships have been named after states, except for one: USS Kearsarge. The original ship of this name during the Civil War hunted down and sank the confederate raider Alabama and since that time the US Navy has ensured that one commissioned ship always has that name, I guess as a giant lasting “fuck you” to the confederacy. The battleship Kearsarge was commissioned in 1900, ruining an otherwise-perfect ship naming convention.
For this reason I support making Puerto Rico into a state - as long as they change their name to Kearsarge first.
I don’t care. The United States has been the main perpetrator of countless war crimes across the world. It has been born out of slavery, its land is built on the Natives that were once thriving, it has forced territories under its laws without representation, it has been an apartheid state with white people ruling over colored people, it has installed countless dictatorships to protect its economic interests, its “democracy” is a sham and the Netherlands did it first, it is chiefly responsible for crimes against peace and humanity in Vietnam and Iraq, its citizens are subject to total surveillance while many of them have a lack of water, food, and shelter, its government is bribed constantly by price-gouging corporations, it will gladly use military equipment on its own citizens, and it has strived against democratic elections that are inconvenient. The United States ought to be split up into all of its independent states so the world may be free of its tyranny.