• Aceticon@lemmy.world
    5 months ago

    Media Bias Fact Check has all the trimmings of a Propaganda Op - what better way to have centralized control of information in the Era of the transnational information access network that’s the Internet than to control Trust in the multitude of information sources from all over the World - from some entity deep into the Right side of the political spectrum plus it’s based in the US, whose Overtoon Window is already way to the Right than the rest of the World, so you end up with hilarious takes like BBC being Leftwing which is a common belief of Brexiters and other Far Right types in the UK.

    (Curiously, the BBC themselves about a decade ago commissioned a study about it by the University of Nottingham and it turns out the BBC is pro-“whatever party is in Government”: note that there is no electable leftwing party in Britain since New Labour - currently in Government - is at best Center-Right. Also as a foreigner who lived in Britain for over a decade I can tell you the BBC reeked with nationalism, especially in their coverage of foreign affairs).

    And that’s without going into the whole pro-Zionist slant of MBFC’s “bias” “fact” “checking”. I don’t know who is funding that operation but it certainly isn’t the likes of the ACLU.

    That it is being given very special treatment by some mods in “World News” is very interesting.