Immigrant children are already being exploited and are dying doing roofing work. You want to put children in the workforce but they would not be safe. If we had a pilot program in place and had some successful results that would be a different situation, but we have kids working 30 feet in the air with no safety gear.
Immigrant children are already being exploited and are dying doing roofing work. You want to put children in the workforce but they would not be safe. If we had a pilot program in place and had some successful results that would be a different situation, but we have kids working 30 feet in the air with no safety gear.
Maybe you didn’t know about this. There’s kids all over the country working shitty jobs like cleaning meat packing plants at night-on their hands and knees scrubbing blood off the floor
How do we get from where we are, to where you think we should be?