To once again prove how much of an utter dumbfuck both of these guys are.
The United States (along with UK) were the first two members of NATO. Making them the founders, so the United States is a founder. If Trump cared about there being an “America First”, this should have been no concern of him because it was after-all part of an American idea.
The United States (along with other countries) was the original founding member that started the United Nations. If Trump cared about there again being an “America First” agenda, this also should never have been a concern since this was an American idea.
America apparently is not a priority when you consider these facts. It’s more like “Trump First” than “America First”.
He is really nullifying the importance of what an executive order is. From Trump, these are just demands.
Yeah but who’s? I have a bad feeling it won’t be theirs, it’ll probably be the vulnerable and the enemies of the MAGA.
The opposition to the MAGA cult can’t just sleep for too long on letting them terrorize everyone’s livelihoods since they’ve gotten the backing and enabling of their ‘leader’. They won’t sleep to upset everyone’s lives.
No faith for 5G?
Nobody can fucking win with either option anymore.
So you’re disgruntled with Mozilla now, so you hop to Chrome. But you learn that Chrome has neutered the way you were once able to have dodged ads. Whoops! Now that’s a problem, in addition to knowing how data-hungry Google has been for a while.
What’re you left with? Edge? Edge has recently announced that it too neutered ad-blockers and it’s not open source and they’re just as data-hungry because now you’re dealing with Microsoft.
So now Firefox, Edge and Chrome are all off the table now because they all went the route of enshittification.
Opera? Can’t trust opera because of it’s ties to a chinese company so that’s either here or there. Chromium? Back to dealing with Google again! Brave? The CEO is an asshat, targeted ads, cryptobullshit .etc
All that we’re realistically down to is just Firefox forks. IceDragon, Weasel, LibreWolf and all of them. Plenty of options but updates and development varies.
What choice…
Trump will find a way to give Russia Alaska back. If and when Trump needs more money for legal fees, he’ll willingly sell Alaska for a few million.