• 27 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023

  • pcloud

    I’m not much of a Cloud Drive user, but experimented with pcloud. It has a CLI tool and the ability to show up in the local filesystem, so you can browse through with your graphical filemanager: https://www.pcloud.com/download-free-online-cloud-file-storage.html

    Free Tier

    I only used the Free Tier without time limitation. Just logged in to the web client in browser to see if my files are still there, and I still have my files uploaded 2 years ago. I think Free Tier starts with 1 GB of free space and you can unlock more and more if you do some tasks like installing the CLI tool and such (I have 5 GB of space without time limtations). And the files are stored in European servers; not sure if I had a choice at account creation time or if this is tied to the location where I am.

    If you want more space, you can either pay annually or a one time payment for lifetime access (500gb for 200 Euros, 2 TB for 400 Euros…).

  • Most common Linux distributions focused on stability do not randomly break with updates. That’s usually not an issue. Basic things like Desktop and audio or lock screen are also never broken after an update. But it depends on the Linux operating system you are using (there are thousands of Linux operating systems and they can vastly differ) and what hardware and habits you have. Windows biggest strength is that it gets the most support from developers and being basically only one distribution to target.

    But calling Windows “battle tested code” is a bit of stretch. Windows is full of problems and I had my own issues due to updates of Windows (when I was using it in dual boot). Also in Linux I can update and do not boot until I want to boot. I can decide not to update. Overall I have more trust in Linux updates (even using on Archlinux) than Windows updates. Microsoft constantly fucks up updates. And they even introduce and install stuff you don’t know or want to.

    An old story of mine buying Civilization 6 at launch on Windows was unplayable. After days and contacting support, turned out it was a Skype installer that was installed with a Windows update without my knowledge. And it was just an installer to install Skype, not even running. Removing it made my game Civilization 6 playable. I never had such an issue on Linux.

  • The problem is, that no operating system “just works”. It also highly depend on what the person wants to achieve, and if there are any pre experience with computers or even relying on existing software or specific hardware. My recommendation is not to tell people the illusion of “just works” and be honest upfront. People should learn how it works, what to expect and if tradeoffs, time and resources are worth it.

    Same is true for the other way too. Does Windows “just works”? Especially if someone switches from Linux to Windows.

    Rather, we should teach the reasons to switch and encourage that decision. In example why it matters to have control over your system, rather than the company has control over it (MacOS and Windows) or why spying on you is bad (Windows). And encourage giving up something you are used to (and maybe paid). Sometimes its okay to use a program that is not as good as Photoshop. Sometimes its okay to give up playing a videogame you like (and maybe associated with friends playing that game with you). But most people are not ready to do it, because that is associated with lowering quality of life.

    I switched in 2008 from Windows XP to Ubuntu. I know these struggles. And they are not over yet. This is an ongoing task between my brother and me too, and he was using the Steam Deck, but decided to go with Windows 11 with the recent build. It was almost there, but there is always a butt. I say, don’t tell people that “Linux just works”. No operating system “just works”.

  • Sharing a folder in virt-manager was a something. This is for Linux on Linux only. Didn’t use a virtual manager for a while now, but I have notes how to do it. I think there are two ways, one with virtiofs and the other way with virtio-9p if the guest doesn’t support virtiofs? I honestly forgot the details, so you might need to research a bit again. I’m relatively new to Virt-Manager and Qemu+Kvm, and don’t understand every detail. It was a challenge to figure out all of this. My notes:


    First create a directory on your host system (the real machine outside of virtual machine). This folder will be shared:

    mkdir /home/tuncay/Public/vm_share/
    chmod 777 /home/tuncay/Public/vm_share/

    In the Virt-Manager for your Linux guest, set following settings first.



        Add Hardware > Filesystem
            - Driver: virtiofs
            - Source: /home/tuncay/Public/vm_share
            - Target: share



        Add Hardware > Filesystem
            - Driver: virtio-9p
            - Source: /home/tuncay/Public/vm_share
            - Target: /share

    Then go and start the guest virtual machine. In the guest execute following commands, depending on which previous settings you have. Just create a folder in the virtual machine and mount it with virtiofs. Here this means “share” is the target (we set previously under - Target: /share) and “home/tuncay/Public” is the folder you want to use IN THE guest. The “share” name will then be connected to Virt-Manager, which in previous settings resolves to - Source: /home/tuncay/Public/vm_share on your real machine.


    Either mount the drive every time you start the guest, or you can just mount it in /etc/fstab automatically, like in bottom example.

        mkdir /home/tuncay/Public/
        sudo mount -t virtiofs share /home/tuncay/Public
        ... or Guest /etc/fstab:
        share   /home/tuncay/Public       virtiofs        defaults        0       0

    or use virtio-9p, but this one does not work with fstab and the command is slightly more complicated. You can write a script and save it in the guest. Either autorun the script or just when you need it by demand.


        mkdir /home/tuncay/Public/
        sudo mount -t 9p -otrans=virtio,rw,version=9p2000.L /share /home/tuncay/Public

  • I use yay almost exclusively and have a few AUR stuff. And I used a custom Kernel too (Zen). Nothing broke unfortunately. I’m on EndevourOS, so very close to bare metal Archlinux. But before that I was on Manjaro and had AUR stuff too and was using Pamac (not to be confused with pacman) instead yay. And it broke something all the time.