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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • How can you be sure it’s one line of code? What if there are several codepaths, and venvs are activated in different places? And in any case, even if there is only one conditional needed, that is still one branch more than necessary to test.

    Your symlink example does not make sense. There is someting that is changing. In fact, it may even be the opposite: if you need to use file A in s container, and file B otherwise, it may make perfect sense to symlink the correct file to C, so thst your code does not need to care about it.

  • On the contrary, I am trying to build some type of shared understanding, but you are very insistent on never saying if you actually agree with something or not, so I can never be truly sure what you believe, or are actually trying to say. You are also never trying to confirm if you have understood me correctly, suggesting you are the one not really interested in establishing a shared understanding about what we are talking about.

    But since you refuse to answer my previous question, I assume you agree that the quotes are accurate. And since you don’t seem interested to further discuss the accuracy of the sources, and because 2/2 sources we looked at were accurate, we can lay the discussion about source accuracy asaide and agree that the sources contain accutate statements, corresponding to Russian state media statements.

    Now, it seems the next dispute is what is actually meant by red lines, is that correct? Your thesis seems to be that Russia has not placed any red lines, except for before the invasion of Ukraine (which when crossed triggered the invasion) and now with the F-16s (which would be the only uncrossed one?). But then, what does the quote

    Lastly, it warned that “red lines,” or limits, for both sides were now “a thing of the past,”

    refer to? Which red lined on the Russian side? It can’t be anything pre-war since those were already broken, and it can’t be the fighter-related one since that one is supposedly still in existence?

  • I’m not sure I follow? Are you saying your friend says I fuck goats, but in fact they do not? Would it not be quite simple to ask them, and dismiss them as a source since they themselves say they aren’t one?

    Regardless, when given a source, one looks at the content, not who or what the source is (ad hominem). If there is no argument for rejecting the source based on the content, it should be accepted.

    You still have not given a reasoning for rejecting the sources, and instead went on a tangent about my sexual exploits.

    I still think you made a good analogy, and as I stated, one should look at what your friend had to say about the goats: if they deny having said anything related to my goats the situation is clear. If they claim it is true, I can check the veracity of their claim. What I don’t do is reject them without first hearing them or expect anyone else to just blindly reject them.

  • I’m saying that what your sources claim has never been stated by Russia, and none of these sources actually link to anything ever stated by Russia.

    Yes, that is a claim you make. It is up to you to support that claim that you are making. That is how discussions generally work.

    1. I make a claim
    2. I provide sources for said claim
    3. You refute the sources
    4. You provide an argument for why the sources should not be believed.

    Step 4 is what is missing, unless you count “because I say so” as a valid argument.

    It would be easy to take a source, look at e.g. a quote in the source, it’s attribution and source, and then check if such a person in fact did make such a claim. If e.g. an article claim person X working for ministry Y made a pressrelease on date Z, but that person is know to work somewhere else, and no press release was made at all that day, then it’s easy to disprove the source. That is how you discuss. Not just “sure, you provided a source, but not the source I wanted, so therefore I will ignore it”. That kind of argumentation is not the least bit productive

    1. I have provided sources
    2. You have stated you don’t accept those sources
    3. You have not made an argument for why the sources are wrong.

    Apparently I misunderstood you, and thought you said you had repeatedly told me why the sources are wrong. I asked for a link to where you made the argument, but now you countered with not being able to prove a negative, i.e. you are saying you never gave an argument. Apologies for misunderstanding.

    This brings me back to asking you to provide an argument regarding the sources, since you are the one claiming they are unreliable.

    Sorry again that I misunderstood you, and hopefully this brings us back on track. I’m also sorry I misunderstood that you were done with the discussion when you said “bye”. I can only assume you meant something else now.