• 7 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023

  • The only thing you are saying is that as there are transphobic people we should be ashamed of helping trans people because transphobic people can use that as a weapon against the working class problems. Im sorry but its the most stupid argument i have seen in a while. I am also working class, i have worked in a fast food restaurant, in a supermarket putting up the avocados you pack up and even picking up dog shit in the streets of my town, and i can tell you no one among 150+ people i worked with was worried about trans people in their working class problems.

  • I really love to see your mental gymnastics to not admit you are a right wing classist making stupids comments on the internet. I said it 3 times through the discussion already:

    The way to leave oil in Europe is

    1. Promoting public transportation in rural zones across all Europe, specially the south.

    2. Making access to EVs cheaper for the working class.

    Making oil prices artificially higher will just sink hundreds of thousands of poor families even further. If you think that the only way to save the planet is literally killing of starvation a few millions through Europe then have it your way.

    The coal rollers part at the end is funny tho, like i said 10 times, i live in a city and i did not a car for the last four years already and no one from the hundreds of people i know uses a truck or a V6, in fact, i invite you again to look at data and tell me how many people uses a truck or a v6 in spain, even more in a rural zone.

    Was it that hard to admit you are the ignorant? And you will have the balls to say you are progressive when you call a coal-roller with a truck to anyone that disagrees with the obvious lie that oil should be more expensive in Europe.

  • Just lol, seriously, have you seen the state in the rural zones of spain? Do you think a train or a bus every two hours is going to let people get a job outside their town with less than 10k habitants? Even in my hometown with 40k+ habitants only has a single (1!) train an hour.

    Most people from a working class in spain having the minimum salary which is 1100€ (thats if you have a full time job in a country with 27+% unemployment among the young) while you are paying in most zones already 700€+ rent which is more than 50% of your salary (if you even have a salary). I can assure you that no one even with the minimum salary if they have a salary and paying a rent of 700+ is going to be able to get credit to buy a 10-15k plus EV. Not even 5-8+k to get a really cheap second hand one. So please, before you speak to this level of bullshit read a bit or look at data at least, your situation or the little you have seen does not represent the reality.

  • A lot of people will be even poorer increasing the price of gas in Europe, most working class people cant switch to an EV just because,my family (myself included, but now i live in a big city where i dont need a car anymore) purchase usually 15+ year old cars, and there is no decent public transportation in that zone. I know you just want easy upvotes saying stupid things like that, but really, viewpoints like that are harmful towards the working class, if you want to facilitate the move towards EVs what you need is cheaper EVs, and tbh, fuck that bullshit and instead push toward better public transportation in rural areas instead of keeping the push in personal vehicles that are as wasteful.

  • Ah sure, keep at it, keep saying that you are on the right side here just because you sometimes give money to homeless people. Just to close this discussion let me remember what did you say about women’s problem in the span of less than an hour.

    First: “Its just all sex wars”

    Second: “i care about society which is why i help homeless people”

    Third: “Women that have a roof and food dont have any reason to complain”

    Fourth: “Women cant complain because the only just cause is class wars, and class wars is only done by helping homeless people, we can only do one thing at a time so fuck people that suffers from racism and sexism”

    Fifth: “40% of homeless people are women, those are the women that need help”

    You really have a weird fixation with homeless people, you know what i think? That you have a lot of self steem problems and you are happy with the way the world is because you fear losing your privileges. Hope one day you gain conscience and start really thinking of how you can really help people and the class wars instead of just giving a bit of money to a homeless once in a while just to feel full of yourself.

  • You need to read a bit more i think, or i missed when Marx said that the only way to fight class wars is helping homeless people (which again i support) and also i think i missed when it said that problems should be adressed from the most severe which means we need to forget about sexism and racism and low wages as long as we can “have a roof and a full belly” as you said.

    I think i also missed when no one with half a brain said that it’s proven we cant do both.

    I really think you are so full of yourself that even lost track of what class war even means, you need to stop saying so much that you disregard womens problem because there are homeless people, maybe you should touch a bit of grass and go to communities and see what are their problems.

  • Ah so now we are on track, you really dont need to write your way around with so much bullshit, what you are saying is that women fears are imaginary to you, because they have a full belly, so all the problems they are telling you about dont exist because you, as in a singular person do not suffer them, so they must not exist because they can eat and have a home.

    As you keep talking about homeless i will repeat: im all about helping homeless people, and also those in need before they get to being homeless. But that doesnt mean im blind to other people problems.

    Its funny how you are able to go around so much to not say the reality: the only problem you see is what capitalism tells you, which is some people is poor, people that is not poor dont really have a reason to complain because there are others in much worse state so shut up. I guess you have the same view with unionizing and fighting for better working conditions? We are not under a freeway so we really should not complain? Lets shut up about working conditions because we have a full belly and a home so thats enough?