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Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: May 3rd, 2024


  • I feel that, but to be fair she’s not in a position to do much more than promise at the moment.

    I think it’s an encouraging sign that she’s not trying to duck the issue, the way she could. That’s not a guaruntee she’ll take real action, but if she’s distancing herself from Biden on this even before she gets the nomination it’s a good sign.

    I think it’s easy to forget just how extreme Biden is on this issue. Harris is your average democrat, but she’s still not ideological like Biden is, most aren’t. Biden went so far as to go around Obama to make promises to Israel when he was VP, I don’t see Harris having that kind of unquestioning desperation to help the right-wing Israeli government.

  • I’m not making excuses for him but guess I see no betterment if repugs are in charge again

    No one wants the republicans in control. But voters committing to the game of chicken that Biden himself started with his own constituency was necessary to get him to step down. Like with a bully, if you never stand up for yourself they just keep abusing you again and again. That’s neoliberal democrats to their base – they’re bullies to their own voters.

    The threat to their power needed to be credible, people needed to show that they were ready to just let them take us over the cliff if that’s where the Democratic establishment was going to take us, and it worked.

    Biden is not a good human being. He’s a narcissist and a child killer. There’s no reason to show him any respect or deference now that he’s stepped aside. In fact people should continue to loudly proclaim the genocide as his legacy, to make it clear to the party leadership that supporting genocide is an electoral liability, not something you can force down people’s throats.

  • What is your point? Trump is even more gung-ho about supporting Israel than Biden was

    No, I’m rejecting this notion outright. Nothing about what we see in Gaza indicates that Biden is any less “gung ho” about the slaughter. Israel is operating without limits. Basically everyone in the democratic party, whether they are pro-Israel or not, is still to the left of Biden on the issue. Even Harris pretty deliberately distanced herself from Biden on this because even she saw how bad this was going to be.

    Biden is being forced to step down in no small part because his zionism has made him unelectable. The polls in Michigan that just came out were quite literally the straw that broke the camels back here. Whether Dems continue being pro-Israel or not, the lesson from the Biden presidency is still that voters have a hard limit.

  • Netanyahu already got the greenlight. Anyone who’s been paying attention to what’s happening in Gaza would know that.

    There is no difference between Trump and Biden when it comes to their support of genocide. Biden is not more “moderate”, he’s fully onboard and has provided everything Netanyahu needs to continue his war crimes. The difference is Biden is a democrat, which means that he needs to be held to democrat standards, not republican ones. If he’s not then the party is functionally the same as the GOP and pretending there’s a difference is pointless.

  • I did this during an international trip last year coming back into the country. The guy mostly seemed confused and kind of suspicious, but it was nbd.

    They will potentially take you out of line to a side room to hand you off to someone else. It seemed to be an area where they deal with any oddball kind of things. There was a lady ahead of me who was more raucus and upset about some issue with her ID. The guy who checked mine mainly seemed kind of bemused, like it was unusual.

    Be prepared for “We have the biometric data from your photo already, why do you care?”

    You’re not obligated to give them a super detailed justification. Just remain polite and unconfrontational, and explain that you prefer not use the system as long as the right remains afforded to you to opt out.

    (Note, this right only extends to US citizens)

  • You’re not pro-ceasefire if you think this is a “bothsides” issue. Israel has all the power. You know how you can tell without being an “expert”? Just look at the skeletal, starved, mutilated bodies of the children in Gaza and compare it to what’s going on in Tel Aviv. Go look at the images from Gaza and try to tell me with a serious face it’s “bothsides”.

    No. Joe is a genocide supporter, and so are those who make excuses for him.