…just this guy, you know.

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: May 7th, 2023


  • agreed. the Democrats have been abusive. cant really do anything about that until we have a better nomination, funding and voting system.

    trump is a time dilation machine. the closer we get to him the shorter my horizon gets. keeping him away from the near dictatorial powers the supreme court just sanctioned is my primary objective.

    I (and perhaps you) and many others should remember that the age we grew in defined us. the younger see things a little differently

    I am just tryng to make enough space between the ancient vampires and our kids to allow them to have a say in their future.

  • the current reality is not the future reality - thats their sell, basically obama “hope-ishness”. personally, I think it can work to keep trump out of office. this is a generational moment and the dems have it on their side.

    so, with luck, we get to reject trump and, depending on the turnout, watch where progressives settle around.the seat of power.

    between the dems and republicans, they have whittled down progressive representation, but its still there.