avc1 is the name for H.264 (also called AVC) which is admittedly pretty confusing
avc1 is the name for H.264 (also called AVC) which is admittedly pretty confusing
MP4box has a great local web tool to test the mime type including the codecs parameter:
Jake Archibald wrote a good article about this topic: https://jakearchibald.com/2022/html-codecs-parameter-for-av1/
Into the Wild. So much potential in this story and general theme, but cinematically so overloaded with pathos and clichés. Overly scattered storytelling, restlessly leaping through space and time leaving no pause to connect with nature. The film has its strengths but a lot of people I know mentioned it as one of their favorites and couldn’t accept that I found it rather mediocre. (Didn’t hate it though. So sorry for being off-topic)