• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 18th, 2023

  • I’ve always understood the colloquial meanings in practice today to be that atheism is active disbelief where agnosticism is essentially choosing not to choose (for lack of information).

    I understand your point, linguistically and philosophically, but I don’t really think that’s how most people - even atheists and agnostics - use the terms today.

  • :shrug: Ever consider the dude actually thinks KG crossed a line? Not only that but he’s put himself front and center instead of KG, who doesn’t have the type of resources JB has to roll with the punches when lunatics come after him. Spineless would have been letting KG deal with the fallout from the comment while he melted into the background saying “no comment”.

    Y’all are legitimately being insanely selfish. You want your entertainment and fuck the consequences for the people involved. It’s disgusting. Not one of you is considering what the actual people involved want or what’s best for them. You want a sock puppet. Get over yourselves.

  • Curious what sort background qualifies you to make better decisions than either of them and their undoubtedly overpaid yet highly experienced staff.

    The “escalation” wasn’t needless. In fact while it may appear to be an escalation, for all you know it was a mitigation against journalists who were already preparing to make giant headlines and give FOX news another thing to rile their base with.

    Sometimes you see a train barreling towards you and jump off the tracks despite the injury you know you’re going to take when you land.

  • lmao calling it spineless is the epitome of missing the forest for the trees. JB is taking heat he never had to while Kyle sits off to the side looking like a victim now. JB gets to keep his career, and they’ll be back on tour in two months when everyone has forgotten this happened. You all want him to make a stink for YOUR own satisfaction when, in reality, he’s taking the L like a champ because it’s what’s best for everyone involved after a mistake was made.

    Bunch of children who can’t see past the tips of your own noses, you lot.