I see how this could be useful for software documentation. One can support their documentation on their instance and cross-link it to related projects. Also, anywhere someone reads it they can contribute changes and corrections.
Fedora changed it to the one I’ll never remember the name of;)
Personally, I’m looking forward for our to stabilize to try working on Matrix protocol support.
I was using this kind of a setup a long time ago with 120GB SSD and 1TB HDD. I’ve found the overall speedup pretty remarkable. It felt like a 1TB SSD most of the time. So, having a cache drive of around 10% of the main drive seems like a good size to cost compromise. Having a cache 50% size of the basic storage feels like a waste to me.
The idea of terms like Alacritty or Foot that user uses a tilling WM like Sway that has tabbed mode and tiling already. There is no need in tmux there.
Fish for shell everywhere
Well, previous approach was a dead end in terms of functionality and platform support. I’d like to think of it as a prototype. BTW, the test suit was written in Python and had been left in touch to ensure the same behavior if the rework.