• 279 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • Could be. I’m not in the camp of all cars are bad.

    The whole discussion about the, in my opinion, worthless truck in the picture and when you state you have a car seat without clarification about a ute or a compact truck, then it’s assumed you’re talking about the need for one of those dumb things that all suburbanites seem to want and buy.

    And I’m not saying that just blanket small truck ownership is okay either, I’m of the opinion you should buy the car that fits what you need and wish we had a society and cities that could get me to not even driving day to day. So to me even a guy that lives in a small town only to drives to and from work only and never hauls a thing still doesn’t need a small truck that gets crappy gas mileage.

  • WTF do you expect when you post anonymously about “needing” a gigantic truck with a extended cab and a tiny worthless truck bed because you have a kid in a car seat and don’t have the sense to know that if you actually grew up in the country, you’d damn well know you can strap in a car set in on a truck bench.

    And here’s another judgement, it’s a pretty piss poor excuse for trying to justify “needing” once again a huge, wasteful, dumb short bed truck because you have a car seat and have a want to haul a few bags of trash. Ever heard of double bagging? Or a trailer? Or if you did grow up in the country, a burn barrel?

    You’re right that I don’t know everything about you, I only know what you share on a anonymous social media board, and what I have read so far, you sure do sound like one of those suburban transplants wasting good farmland.

  • While I absolutely despise the rise of dumbass suburban cowboys, making it to require a business to own one is kind of stupid. I mean growing up in farm land, you do often need a truck to do things like grab manure or lime, picking up feed, or the occasional carcass.

    You could tax based on vehicle weight and vehicle type instead of a stupid, outdated gas tax and that could actually put a curb on this type of dumbass penis extender behavior. Maybe lesson it depending on where you’re registering it, farmland zoned and registered under gets less tax but I honestly think that unless you fix the stupid bro country, wanna be cowboy culture that leads to this suburban cowboy dumbfuckery, you’re honestly not going to make much of a dent even with taxes.

  • You live out in the country, you clearly didn’t grow up in the country.

    I grew up in the country, we had a truck with a full sized bed and a bench. You put the baby seat in the middle of the bench, strap it down like you do in the car and a lap belt and you pick up your chicken feed with your kid in the truck. Ain’t rocket science here and you don’t need to have a crew cab and a worthless short bed to do things out there.

    Shit dude, if you’re worried about scratches to your vehicle, maybe you should move back to the suburbs.

  • Well glad you have your death date all planned, you’ll never unexpectedly die before that date, have your will and trust set, are having your will and trust legally updated ever time you update your password for all your digital media accounts.

    Not all of us do and in lieu of relying on individuals to have this shit set up and hope nothing goes wrong I’ll continue to advocate that we need a legal avenue to ensure legally purchased digital goods are able to be passed on after death and no I’m not going to shut the fuck up about but you’re more than free to continue to not give fuck.