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Joined 27 days ago
Cake day: December 27th, 2024


  • strong tendency to criticize the US

    The whole world has been criticizing the USA since I was born 50 years ago. All I remember is that their way of life is declining all the time, they lied to go to war with Irak, and now they elected Trump, which makes is worse.

    someone somehow found a way to criticize the US in it

    I can say the reverse. All the time I see Americans talking about the USA in conversations where it is not the topic. What do you think about this? Like someone made a pizza in a random Asian country, and the whole conversation will switch to how NY pizzas are the best.

    they may be Russian, Chinese, et al. agents

    You’re paranoid. It’s the internet, it’s global, everyone criticizes everyone else. As for causing chaos, you elected one of the most disgusting felon who exists, the chaos is already there.

  • The original dev lives in Canada. He made this fake account called “Armin Lebedev living in the Netherlands” and working for a company that doesn’t exist (no result anywhere in all the search engines). He created this account to reply to other people, he has no other activity. All his replies are like:

    Wes - Never take this post down. It’s hilarious how people don’t understand that this post was made on Dec 9, a whole 11 days prior to the tweet. Complete inability to read past a headline, and so confident about it too. This will go into the history books about how silly the anti-AI sentiment was.

    I will just restate this fact about reality: Dec 20 comes 11 days after Dec 9.

    That is indeed a screenshot. The tweet was made on Dec 20 (just like I told you). A date that happened 11 days after Dec 9.

    Yes, that’s him. But did you know that Dec 9 comes before Dec 20?

    He’s stalking a bit, spamming a lot, he wants to correct every reply to the post for no reason because it’s not the same person of course (/s). This magical account that was created after the post is obviously fake and the same guy.