nah. fuck christians.
i’m glad they’re triggered. fuck christians.
hard disagree. you assume that if you give them the same respect that you ask for, that they will give it back in return. you’re talking about christians. they just want to subjugate everyone else to their standard of living.
nope. fuck them. they are the enemy. they are the barrier to living in a better world. they do not understand cultural differences and don’t want to. they are a problem to be solved, not a class of people who must be tolerated. goose and gander thinking will get you nowhere.
or we could just shut them all down now before that day ever comes.
the left needs to stop being a bunch of cowards. tell the right we’re coming for them. they need to be scared of us. quit living up to the stereotype of ‘average liberal soyboy’.
is metafilter ok with advocating violence? asking for a friend?
i’ve been writing a pretty big RPG module for years now and feel the same. in the beginning i was all about the prose and beauty of the written document. now, i’m just like “bullet points. go.”
i love it when these people get their names exposed in the media. i might not have even known who she was. now we can put her on a list. did you put her on a list? you should.
or the whole case most likely dismissed because the bar of proof is so high. we CANNOT depend on the justice system people. we have to make justice ourselves. these slimy bastards are getting bolder and bolder. are you going to watch it happen and do nothing? you WILL reap the consequences.
exactly. which is why their base should be viewed as the true enemy. these corrupt sociopaths are just giving the people what they want. we will never fix anything in america as long as half of the population enjoys the cruelty. america is long overdue for a political demographic purge.
how old are you? what’s currently playing on your spotify?
ah, good to know!
i had to look this reference up
oh come on, man. mage hand/unseen servant that shit into a bag of holding and forget about it for 3 years.
thanks! that was after 2 rehearsals, so i’m proud to have found these guys and put it together.
I need this one explained lol
ok. live your life in fear of conservative dweebs then.
lol. you are so fucking naive. you think they’ll return the favor if we respect their idiotic beliefs? do you think that aliens are going to land and take our side because we took ‘the high road’? there’s only one solution for christian conservatives.