woman. student of behavioural science 🇸🇪🏴‍☠️ avatar © donnazucoyy

  • 33 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 3rd, 2023


  • Look, I’m not a family-oriented person, but the following sentences strike me as strange:

    My parents are not the kind of people to show up uninvited to anyone’s house. They likely will come over once a month for dinner and I will probably go over by myself once a week […] this potential change of more visits has her concerned that our privacy will be gone.

    Why would your privacy suddenly vanish when they only visit once or twice a month? Lol. Agree with the comments who want more context; does she have issues with your family, etc.? Maybe you have two different views of your family that’s clashing. Just thought the abovementioned quote sounded weird.

  • Thank you for sharing this. Honestly, right now, I simply don’t feel a need to use profiles for my apps. I understand some people claim I probably should considering I use both FOSS and Google apps, but I’m just getting started with this whole privacy thing and I don’t feel like rushing. Using only one profile probably isn’t the absolute worst thing you could do, eh?

  • the privacy benefits of Graphene OS are ESPECIALLY impactful if you’re using invasive apps. The whole point of setting up all of the extra sandboxing, storage limits, network restrictions, yadda yadda yadda, is specifically for people who might need or want to still leverage some apps from bigger, less trusted providers.

    Honestly, this resonated with me very well. This excerpt alone motivates me to keep using and committing to GOS because it just makes sense. Now, I don’t know the technical aspects of these kinds of things, but I imagine using Facebook Messenger on GOS is preferable to using it on a regular iPhone. Perhaps. Meh, whatever, I like the feel of GOS and its community, so I suppose it doesn’t matter that much.