reddit refugee

  • 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • I’ve seen a mixed response in the community.

    I’ve been vegan for about 4 years and I will be all over lab grown meat if/when it “makes it”.

    The biggest issue I remember reading about was “fetal bovine serum” which, IIRC, was needed continuously throughout the process.

    Personally, if all that’s required to get started is a cell sample from a living animal which isn’t harmed beyond the sample (minor and far from life threatening or causing suffering) then I’ll be eating it for sure.

  • capital@lemmy.worldtotumblr@lemmy.worldSSDE
    4 months ago

    and to stop publicly talking about how the United States is arming and funding a genocide, for example

    This right here is why I don’t see value in arguing those facts and just concentrating on the fact that we have 2 real choices and one is clearly better.

    There is absolutely nothing I can say to you that will convince you that what’s going on in Gaza isn’t a genocide. It’s literally not worth trying. I’ve seen people say shit like, “You know what we mean, even if we don’t mean literally genocide”. People either just like using the word to mean “murder” or “killing” or actually think there’s a literal genocide happening right now.

    Either way, I’d rather just try to get people to see the simple, straightforward logic:

    1. Either the Dem or Rep nominee will in.
    2. Thanks to the voting system we’re subject to, if you vote for a 3rd party which better aligns with your ideals, you run a real risk of allowing the worse of #1 to be elected. This is a worse outcome for you and me.
    3. Given 1 and 2, you’re better off throwing weight behind the better of #1.

    No matter what you or anyone else says next, 1 and 2 are true. That should lead you to 3, if you’re a logical person. If it doesn’t lead you there, you either still don’t understand the logic or you’re not all that concerned with his dictatorial comments, what that might mean for women, minorities, atheists, him getting MORE SCOTUS appointments, Ukraine/Russia, etc.

    We’re talking about the majority of registered Democrats who believe that Israel is committing a genocide with American money and bombs.

    Again, nothing I or anyone else say is going to disabuse those people of that notion. We’ll just be called genocide deniers. Why try?

  • capital@lemmy.worldtotumblr@lemmy.worldSSDE
    4 months ago

    But you’re stifling Democrats who are criticizing Biden by claiming that they’re all actually Russian bots

    I haven’t personally accused anyone of being a Russian agent and will continue that way.

    I’ve simply concentrated on the illogical nature of the arguments seen in the meme. While I continue to be surprised at how hard it is for some to understand first past the post voting systems, I just think those people aren’t bright. Not Russian, necessarily.

    Ironically, during the “basket of deplorables” snafu, the left on Reddit were saying things like “if an insult made you vote for Trump, you were probably never voting for Hillary anyway”. And I think that holds true.

    Because if you know how FPTP works and you believe one of the two people who are going to win this race is better than the other - you have your vote figured out already.