• 9 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 24th, 2023


  • I live in a rural area and know a lot of farmers (meat, dairy and veg), none of whom are wealthy. Several don’t own land, but have to rent it instead. Those that do own land tend to be asset-rich but don’t actually have cash (as in, they own land and farm equipment, but they can’t sell it because then they wouldn’t be able to keep working). Maybe it’s different in other parts of the country, but around here people are struggling. We also have the issue of banks and other large corporations buying up land to plant with timber as carbon offsets, rather than putting in work to reduce their carbon footprint.

  • It’s interesting about native species. Think about apple trees in the UK. They grow very well here, the climate is suited perfectly, they don’t seem to be invasive (talking as a layperson here). Yet they were introduced about 2000 years ago by the Romans. Does that mean they’re old enough to now count as native? I mean, if you go back far enough, everything came from somewhere else. Unless you’re looking at a deep-sea vent where life very first evolved, then it has spread from somewhere else.

    Maybe if I was a botanist or ecologist, I would know the actual answer. But I’m just a person who loves thinking about things in a philosophical way, without necessarily wanting to research in-depth answers for every little puzzle