TSG_Asmodeus (he, him)

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023


  • I guess I was just holding out hope that more of them would turn out to be, well, something other than fascists. Not that I expected something other than, well… what we’re seeing right now.

    Well we have good news and bad news. The bad news is it’s going to get a bit worse. The good news is it will then get much better. Conservatism is at a point where it needs to either completely take over, fuck everything up, and have it all come crashing down, or people will realise that’s what is coming, and we’ll see a wave of progressive governments across the world. (I imagine a particularly deadly Climate Crisis Summer in a first world nation will prompt this).

    Ain’t this the fucking truth. I’m no spring chicken so I’ve Seen Shit™ over the years, and growing up in a conservative area as a neurospicy queer femme enby (yay intersectionality bingo) wasn’t exactly what I’d call a picnic – any deviation from accepted norms meant violence. Lots of violence.

    Ugh, I’m so sorry you had to grow up like that. I cannot imagine being ‘neurospicy queer femme enby’ in a Con area. Seriously, I’m so sorry, I’m fourth generation atheist in a Left-leaning household, so I only saw that in my friends. My heart goes out to you, sibling.

    Being nonbinary wasn’t even an option I was aware of until the past decade or so, which conservatives naturally take to mean that I just started “pretending” I’m now something else than my assigned gender instead of having always been this way and only now even having the terms to describe myself.

    This is pretty much their modus operandi – they make something impossible, and then when it’s made possible people struggle, and that’s their ‘proof’ it wasn’t needed/necessary/etc. See: Women in sports. I’m glad you’re finding yourself, and if it is any consolation to you, despite growing up in a rather accepting household, I’m discovering a lot I had hidden as well, bordering on the ENBY/Femme front. And I’m in my 40’s, haha. It was my son coming out as queer that did it, because suddenly I’m doing makeup, clothes shopping, and nail art with him and going… “wait a sec… this is really fun.”

    The past 15 – 20 years did make me feel like maybe shit actually can get better and we wouldn’t have to do this fucking dance anymore, but nooooooo.

    Well I have some good news! Sadly it begins as all of these with bad news: Men (and boys) are way behind. The conservative illness has infected them quite badly. The good news is that women, as always, come to us as saviours; we just have to get my fellow men the fuck out of the way so we can actually progress forward.

    Good luck, and if you ever need to talk to someone, message me, I’d be glad to :)

  • My political views have been more or less the same for years, although I do have to say that the fact that so many conservatives seem to now openly wish for genocide has gotten me to reconsider many things…

    The big change is that, in what has literally become a meme with how often it’s come up, Conservatives are now ‘Mask off’/‘Saying the quiet part out loud’/etc. They’ve always felt these things, they just didn’t say them because we’d slap them back down. Over time they managed to make it more and more acceptable to shove countries to the right, until people woke up and went “wait a second, why the fuck am I talking about the testosterone count of a boxer when we have a few decades until climate change kills most of us?” Capitalists via Conservatives have made this happen, and a lot of the ‘centre-left’ parties around the world moved to the centre, while right wing parties went more right wing. Neo-Liberalism let fascism fester, and then we got Donald Fucking Trump in the most powerful position on the planet, and Putin is fucking invading countries, Israel is literally committing genocide, and we’re going “wait a second, what the fuck happened?” And now, you’re seeing a huge upswing in left and ‘far left’ numbers, because we’ve done this dance before, and we know the outcomes, especially women.

    Yeah, a self-described “moderate” conservative acquaintance recently told me that the world would be a better place if all of us LGBT+ folks just stopped existing.

    My kids have been telling me they have some ‘enlightened centrist’ friends who are currently battling with their own right-wing thoughts. They have lots of friends who are queer, and at least two trans friends, but they keep trying to justify their plan to vote Conservative. They’re desperate for it to be okay, because that’s what the right promises, ‘vote us and everything gets better, once we deal with (whatever scapegoat).’ But then they hear that their friends are the scapegoats, and they can’t fully connect it. So they will literally waffle between full on Conservative, and pretty left-wing.

    Sadly, the more they’re online the more they go Conservative, but when they’re outside and talk to people, they are clearly battling away those thoughts.

  • Just wanted to post the history/story of this amazing piece:


    Otter Amulet

    Engraved & Pigmented Ivory, 3 ½” Length, c.1870 -1880

    Inuit Otter Amulet

    There are rare occasions when a carved object has no other function but to represent a hunted animal, as a sculpture. This is one such example, of a charm figure, which would have been placed in a Kayak when seeking otters. It should be noted, however, that even though this charm does not appear to double as a practical tool, its significance is powerful.

    This is a communicating figure, shown swimming on its back, with front paws delicately touching its face, as if eating or calling out. Arctic native hunters have described using amulets like this precisely to assist them in guiding animals to them, which this otter seems to be doing.

    Notable here are the finely engraved rib markings, and the repeating dots and drill holes along the spine, tail, and joints of the rear flippers. Like the circular joint markings depicted in many other animal representations, these express the mortal and spiritual transformation of the animal. Skeletal markings often metaphorically express life cycles, in that we, as animals, are composed of bones, which hold us together while alive as well as remain as evidence of us once we die.

    The circular marks and dots represent passages through transformational states, and in the shamanic universe of native Alaskans, animals, people, fish and birds may be seen traveling through concentric circles much like the stacked planes that the Buddhist universe is conceived to be. As one passes through one circle, he becomes another creature, in order to navigate the particularities of the next sphere.

    The fact that there are seven drilled dots along the spinal decoration of this otter, and three triangulating dots encumbering his belly, is additionally significant, perhaps in the expression of the hunter, that his success depends upon the continual support of his charm, repeatedly, throughout his life.

  • (Caveat: I am an NDP voter)

    Chrystia Freeland isn’t my favourite, but she would absolutely be a better choice than Trudeau. She can lock up our centrist voters, she’s an easy ‘economy good’ candidate, and she’d absolutely dumpster Poilievre in a debate. She was lead editor for the Financial Times (London), she’s half-Ukrainian and fluent in the language, and frankly I feel this this story says just how fantastic a candidate she could be:

    During 1988–89, she was an exchange student at the Taras Shevchenko State University of Kyiv in Ukraine, where she studied Ukrainian, which she is fluent in.[19] While there, she worked with journalist Bill Keller of The New York Times to document the Bykivnia graves, an unmarked mass grave site where the NKVD (the Soviet secret police) disposed of tens of thousands of dissidents.[1] The official Soviet story held that the graves were the result of Nazi atrocities. She translated the stories of locals who had witnessed covered trucks and “puddles of blood in the road” that predated the Nazi invasion, adding evidence that the site was actually the result of Stalinist repression.[1]

    While there she attracted the attention of the KGB, which tagged her with the code name “Frida”, and Soviet newspapers, who attacked her as a foreigner meddling in their internal affairs over her contacts with Ukrainian activists. The KGB surveilled Freeland and tapped her phone calls, and documented the young Canadian activist delivering money, video and audio recording equipment, and a personal computer to contacts in Ukraine. She used a diplomat at the Embassy of Canada in Moscow to send material abroad in a secret diplomatic pouch, worked with foreign journalists on stories about life in the Soviet Union, and organized marches and rallies to attract attention and support from Western countries. On her return from a trip to London in March 1989, Freeland was denied re-entry to the Soviet Union.[20] By the time her activism within Ukraine came to an end, Freeland had become the subject of a high-level case study from the KGB on how much damage a single determined individual could inflict on the Soviet Union; a 2021 Globe and Mail article quoted the report by a former officer of the KGB, which had described Freeland as “a remarkable individual”, “erudite, sociable, persistent, and inventive in achieving her goals”.[20]

    (Emphasis mine)

  • then Vance would completely destroy any of the Democrats who the Dem establishment could possibly let run.


    In February, during an episode of Steve Bannon’s “War Room” podcast, Vance said that he cared more about the security of the US southern border than the Russian troop build-up near Ukraine. “I gotta be honest with you, I don’t really care what happens to Ukraine one way or another,” Vance said.

    ““Indigenous Peoples’ Day” is a fake holiday created to sow division. Of course Joe Biden is the first president to pay it any attention.”

    “I am as pro life as anyone, and I want to save as many babies as possible. This is not about moral legitimacy but political reality.”

    “There are dozens of people who protested on J6 who haven’t even been charged with a crime yet are being mistreated in DC prisons. A friend suggested the below link if you’re able to support them.”

    Vance said that Trump should “fire every single mid-level bureaucrat” in the US government and “replace them with our people.” If the courts attempt to stop this, Vance says, Trump should simply ignore the law. “You stand before the country, like Andrew Jackson did, and say the chief justice has made his ruling, now let him enforce it,” he declares. The President Jackson quote is likely apocryphal, but the history is real. Vance is referring to an 1832 case, Worcester v. Georgia, in which the Supreme Court ruled that the US government needed to respect Native legal rights to land ownership. Jackson ignored the ruling, and continued a policy of allowing whites to take what belonged to Natives. The end result was the ethnic cleansing of about 60,000 Natives — an event we now call the Trail of Tears.

    Yeah, Democrats will sure have a tough time with him…