• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 7th, 2023


  • It kinda depends what you’re looking for. For technical stuff DDG is much better than Google (I don’t know about kagi) but for local information Google still gives better results. Google seems to return what it thinks you want to search for and not what you actually tell it to so for exact searches it’s always worse. If you’re not sure what you’re looking for Google can be better sometimes.

  • I do have a license but refuse to drive. I guess the main reasons would be:

    • I get lost very easily and navigating while driving is much harder (no stopping, turning around etc)
    • You can’t entirely zone out or use that time to do something else like reading so if it’s a daily commute this is just lost time
    • Road infrastructure here is terrible. I actually find it much safer to drive at night because at least you can see the headlights of cars coming out of blind intersections
    • Just like there are (many) places you can’t go without a car, there are also places you can’t go with a car because there is no parking, mainly the city center, which is the place I visit the most

    You also can’t drive drunk and I kinda like drinking.