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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 10th, 2023

  • Someone once said to me “Relax! Nothing is under control.”

    Worry about what you can control —which is very little, especially when facing a world crisis like climate change— and accept what you can’t.

    The people who should be fixing this mess are not you or I. It’s the big corporations and the Governments that should regulate them through robust, uncompromising climate policies. Vote for Governments with honest, solid climate agendas.

    Other than that, contributions from individuals like you and I are but a drop in the boiling ocean of global warming. By all means, keep doing what you’re doing. It certainly doesn’t hurt to lead a more sustainable lifestyle but don’t feel bad if you don’t do everything you’re supposed to do. Don’t let the real culprits here gaslight you into thinking otherwise.

    Again, if you’re worried more about your mental health than the problem itself at this stage, it’s ok to feel that way. Many of us do. But the best advice I can give you is to just accept there’s nothing you can really do about the situation. Whatever happens, happens. Easier said than done, I know, but once you “learn” to accept this fact, your anxiety will drop right down.

  • I genuinely can’t fathom how anyone other than Russia and their buddies can look at this situation and think they’re better off not helping Ukraine right now. What do they expect? That Russia will say “Ah, gobbling up Ukraine hit the spot, I’m good now. Thanks guys!” and stop their aggression forever?

    Ukraine is just the first step. Eventually, Russia will gain more power and influence and encroach into more European territories. You have to be either deluded or directly stand to benefit from Russia’s invasion to think just because Russia cannot physically invade the US as easily, that the US won’t hurt badly because of it. I really don’t get it.