• 37 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 6th, 2023


  • Angular momentum is a measure of an object’s rotation around a point (#spin) 🌪️.

    Centripetal force is the force that keeps an object moving in a circular path, always pointing towards the center (#holdingtight) 🎯.

    One is about spinning momentum, the other about the force directing that spin.

    In this example:

    As you shoot the water jet at the skateboard wheel, you are continuously adding angular momentum to the wheel. This increases the wheel’s rotational speed.

    As the wheel spins faster and faster, the individual particles in the wheel experience a greater centripetal force, pulling them towards the center of the wheel’s rotation. However, at the same time, due to the increased rotational speed, the particles also experience a greater centrifugal force (which is not a real force but an apparent force observed in a rotating reference frame), pushing them outwards.

    At a certain point, this outward “force” (centrifugal effect) becomes too great for the material of the wheel to withstand, overcoming the cohesive forces holding the wheel together, and it starts to expand and eventually breaks.

    This being said, I’m not sure if that’s actually correct what I just wrote, so take it all with a grain of salt (as one should do anyway when reading something online…)

  • I’m no expert but I wonder if where there’s limited space for traditional sewage treatment plants, wastewater is just transported through a network of sewer lines to centralized treatment facilities? 🤔

    This would allow the treatment plants to be located further inland.

    Alternaively I guess they could employ on-site treatment technologies that can be incorporated into the building’s infrastructure 🤔

    But like I said I ain’t no expert and just speculating 😅