- a : an admission of error or discourtesy accompanied by an expression of regret (see: being sorry, ya incel)
You picked the second definition on Webster’s because the first one made you look like a clown. The second one is even marked “excuse” because it’s being used in the literary sense and not in the sense of apologising to someone.
Fucking lol
Lol, you realise the 1. And 2. On a dictionary imply separate contexts, right? You intentionally chose the context for apology that applies to a defence of criticism in literature, not a person to person apology for a mistake made.
You’ve made yourself a clown and now you’re doubling down. It’s so rich, I love it. I’m going to end this little exchange on this delicious high note. Enjoy your weekend with your hand, buddy, because I won’t respond anymore, I’ll just let you impotently stew in it!