Now gotta wear the clown suit during his therapy session and peek from window. Let him suffer for his whole life ᕙ༼◕ ᴥ ◕༽ᕗ
“Ask his mom if I can babysit him” is this not weird…?
Believe it or not, some uncles actually enjoy spending time with their nieces and nephews, and parents like to have a break from raising their children. It’s amazing what can happen when your family is barely functional
My nieces and nephews are some of my favorite people ever.
Why would it be? It’s your brother or sisters kid, should be extremely normal to babysit them. What’s in your mind that makes it weird?
They don’t have family or aren’t close which I feel bad for them.
I actually don’t have any family and never have :/ it just me and my dad
You have family your dad never take them for granted if it’s a loving relationship.
It’s not that weird. I offer to babysit somewhat regularly. I miss my nephews, and my sister / brother-in-law get a date night. Win win
“not tonight. He broke both his arms so we’re going to spend quality time. How about tomorrow night?”
Now there’s a reference I hadn’t seen in a while
Now there’s a reference I wish had stayed on the shit hole site
Details don’t really matter for made up stories.
You like telling kids Santa doesn’t exist, don’t you?
That’s the best part of being a mall Santa.
“My nephew was being a brat, so I emotionally traumatized him”