I can fall asleep almost anywhere. I routinely fall asleep in the break room at work. Once, I was helping a friend fix his car, and I fell asleep on his garage floor when he went inside to get water.

But in a hot metal tube tearing through the sky, with my neck all kinked? Get out of here, man.

  • Mightymaxx@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    on my first trip to SE Asia I stsyed up overnight and planned to sleep the whole time on the plane. This was advice I was given to help combat jet lag for 12 hour difference of time. Turns out…I can’t sleep on planes. I arrived delirious and. borderline hallucinating. I slept like 18 hours once at the hotel. I now power through the whole flight with caffeine and videogames after taking a nap at home as close to flight time as possible.

    • stealth_cookies@lemmy.ca
      1 year ago

      Worst one for me was a business trip to Asia where I worked Friday, went home for a couple hours and then headed to the airport for a 1AM flight. 13 hours on the flight where I don’t sleep at all, landed at my destination at 5AM local time. Had to then kill an entire day and pushed through till 10PM before going to bed. I think it was around 40 hours between beds.

    • Dandroid@dandroid.app
      1 year ago

      When traveling between far time zones, I do my best to arrive at my destination at night, so I can immediately go to sleep. I can’t really sleep on planes, so it’s easier to force myself to stay awake for 24-30 hours and just sleep when I get there.

      I traveled to India in 2018, which was a 12.5 hour time zone difference from where I lived at the time. I had my flight all scheduled to arrive back at home at night like I like. But my flight got cancelled due to a tropical storm. I ended up having the airline find me another flight that didn’t have the layover where the tropical storm was, so I actually got home sooner… But now in the morning. I couldn’t sleep on the plane no matter how hard I tried. So I arrived back at home at 10 AM, which felt like night time to my body. And this was after essentially going a whole day without sleep already. As soon as I got home I passed out and slept all day. Worst thing I could have done. I went pretty much a whole week of sleeping all day and laying in bed all night with my eyes wide open. It wasn’t until day 7 back home that I started feeling somewhat normal again.

    • Trail@lemmy.world
      1 year ago

      I also stay overnight and plan on sleeping during the flight. Except I actually sleep like a baby. I am usually having trouble staying awake for the dinner.

      Last flight to Japan the plane was mostly empty, so all of my company we moved to empty rows, we each had 3 seats to ourselves and slept lying down like in a bed. Best flight ever. Also did the same in the return flight.

      • Mightymaxx@lemmy.world
        1 year ago

        Yup. The only time I actually slept at all was when I laid across three seats. It’s only happened once