• Global surge in antisemitic incidents following the conflict between Hamas and Israel, affecting Jewish communities in various countries.
  • Antisemitic acts range from verbal abuse to physical assaults, often justified by anger over the Gaza conflict.
  • In areas like the U.S., Britain, France, Germany, and South Africa, antisemitic incidents have increased several hundred percent compared to the same period last year.
  • Official responses vary, with Western authorities generally quick to support Jewish communities, while some countries like China have not taken steps to curtail antisemitic content online.

Media Bias Fact Check (Reuters):

Overall, we rate Reuters Least Biased based on objective reporting and Very High for factual reporting due to proper sourcing of information with minimal bias and a clean fact check record.

  • CherenkovBlue@iusearchlinux.fyi
    11 months ago

    Did you read the article? First paragraph: " In Los Angeles, a man screaming “kill Jews” attempts to break into a family’s home. In London, girls in a playground are told they are “stinking Jews” and should stay off the slide. In China, posts likening Jews to parasites, vampires or snakes proliferate on social media, attracting thousands of “likes”. "

    This is not Jewish people being offended about anti-Israeli protests. This is Jewish people being the targets of blatant, direct antisemitism because they simply exist as Jews.

    • Wakmrow@lemmy.world
      11 months ago

      They cite the airport in Russia. Those people were explicitly carrying Palestinian flags and targeting the fleeing colonists, people who actively were on the side of the regime in Israel.

      I’d like to see the posts. And in fairness I’ve seen a lot of Nazi shit pop up on posts so anecdotally I believe anti semitism is increasing.

      However, I despise the Israeli government and I’ve been called all sorts of shit for it. So I’m sceptical.

    • Donjuanme@lemmy.world
      11 months ago

      I did not read the article, nor do I have time, temperament, brain space, or blood pressure to read a percentage point of the articles that have come out about this war, or the other fucking war, or probably ww3 when it begins. My statements were a generality that I felt comfortable expressing in an aggregating website, I may have chosen the incorrect thread to put them out into, but this is where they were dumped to. Apologies for being overwhelmed at the amount of propaganda being pushed from all sides. I would ask you to allow me to exist in my gray middle area of “everyone should chill the fuck down”. Glory to Ukraine, peace in the middle east.