Central Maine Medical Center said staff were “reacting to a mass casualty, mass shooter event” and were coordinating with area hospitals to take in patients.
Yea the military was never involved. So it has nothing to do with my initial point. Buck and Chuck are not taking down the US army. I don’t know why we got sidetracked with it.
WACO negotiations took 53 days, but MOVE was given a day to leave before two bombs were dropped in the middle of rowhouses in Philadelphia 😂 arming yourself to discourage the government works way better when the government is already favorable to your cause.
Yea the military was never involved. So it has nothing to do with my initial point. Buck and Chuck are not taking down the US army. I don’t know why we got sidetracked with it.
You’re the one who brought it up?
The point is the military won’t be dropping bombs on its own people.
You’re so confident. Why? Even after I showed you ATF agents alone can suppress an insurrection before we even bring in armed guards.
Why wouldn’t I be?
LOL you’re talking about a handful of looney cultists. I’m talking about a revolution.
You’re still so confident despite having 0 counter-arguments
Then why bring up Waco at all?
Fuck dude. I can’t. We’re done here. Bye.
At least I’m not the one making statements with full confidence. “The military won’t drop bombs on it own people” . Open a history book. Any. Ever.
The phone is ringing, it’s for you. Sounds like some miners in West Virginia from 1921 would like to talk to you.
Whoa, you got a time traveling phone!?
Nah, you’re just living that far in the past.
Wait so IM a time traveler!? And I didn’t even know it! 🤯🤯🤯
You’re not a time traveler, you just have the mental acuity of a fossil.
Oh, I’m a shape shifter too, how exciting. Tell me, how did you learn of my super powers?
False. Spain 1936.
WACO negotiations took 53 days, but MOVE was given a day to leave before two bombs were dropped in the middle of rowhouses in Philadelphia 😂 arming yourself to discourage the government works way better when the government is already favorable to your cause.