Lemmy (also mastodon, in effect fediverse) is about quality and interaction, rather than consumption. So userbase being “tiny” is a feature. Here, your posts aren’t buried under karma farming accounts, your comments actually lead to discussions and get replies.
I’ve switched to RSS feeds for my consumption habbits
Well said, the emphasis here seems to be more about the content rather than the amount of upvotes you can get. But as this community grows so will exploiters as well. Time will tell I guess, but I really enjoy this platform more than any other.
There are probably lists you can search online but I find that adding /feed or /rss to the URL of a page I want to see updates from does the trick. There is also at least one Firefox add-on that indicates if a page has an RSS feed.
Pick a closed source/cloud-based RSS reader. They usually include a bunch of news/topic-based feeds built in. Not recommended for daily use, but it’s a good way to get started (make your picks then export everything into an app like Read You). From there your list can grow organically.
I follow blogs, gaming news and various other websites via RSS, and check my RSS reader couple times a day for new articles. Whenever they publish a new article, reader fetches it and there’s always something to read
Lemmy (also mastodon, in effect fediverse) is about quality and interaction, rather than consumption. So userbase being “tiny” is a feature. Here, your posts aren’t buried under karma farming accounts, your comments actually lead to discussions and get replies.
I’ve switched to RSS feeds for my consumption habbits
I agree. Lemmy today feels like reddit 15 years ago.
Well said, the emphasis here seems to be more about the content rather than the amount of upvotes you can get. But as this community grows so will exploiters as well. Time will tell I guess, but I really enjoy this platform more than any other.
are you using an app to do this?
No OC, but i “read you” on fdroid. Imo its the best option I’ve found for mobile.
On desktop there are a lot of options but i dont have a sigular recomendation.
Where does one find RSS feeds to subscribe to?
I’d like to know myself.
Plenty of blog sites support rss by just adding /index, /feed, /atom to the sites names Example: https://www.ntietz.com/atom.xml https://chriscoyier.net/feed/
So I’ve just been adding them gradually as i encounter blogs i care to read.
There are probably lists you can search online but I find that adding /feed or /rss to the URL of a page I want to see updates from does the trick. There is also at least one Firefox add-on that indicates if a page has an RSS feed.
Normally you can paste the blog url directly into the rss reader and it will find the feed automatically.
Pick a closed source/cloud-based RSS reader. They usually include a bunch of news/topic-based feeds built in. Not recommended for daily use, but it’s a good way to get started (make your picks then export everything into an app like Read You). From there your list can grow organically.
I use NetNewsWire on iOS
Can u elaborate how you are using it
I follow blogs, gaming news and various other websites via RSS, and check my RSS reader couple times a day for new articles. Whenever they publish a new article, reader fetches it and there’s always something to read
There are plenty of pointless posts and comments here daily, but let’s hope for a quality future