If you think things are bad now, then, brace yourself: it is about to get a whole lot worse. If you are alarmed at the speed with which the Trump administration has set about dismantling every institution of American government and every pillar of the international order, you must understand that this is not just the initial burst of activity, the “shock and awe” phase after which things will settle down: if anything, the pace will continue to accelerate.
The world has never before been faced with such a threat. The United States has handed the nuclear codes to a madman, a criminal, a would-be dictator and a moron, all in the same person. Whatever the purpose to which he directs these powers – to impress his dictator friends, to further enrich himself and his cronies, to seize absolute power or just to watch the world burn – we must hope for the best, but prepare for the worst.
MAGAs are going to be hit hard with the cost cuttings and job eliminations. Sit back. They are the ones who are violent and they will take that violence to their source of problems when they wise up enough. It may take them awhile to work through the propaganda and bullshit though.
They’re as likely to direct that violence at us as against their leadership. They’re authoritarian enablers who want to be abused. Most of them will never wise up, let alone rise up.
Will they ever wise up though?
Scoreboard shows these people, the most violent among them, are disconnected from reality and blindly trust Trump and his cronies.
I can’t even get my MAGA mom to believe Musk did a Nazi salute. “Apparently he was throwing his heart to the crowd.” Granted, she’s not politically engaged, she just listens to my dad who stopped watching Fox News because it wasn’t conservative enough. So yeah.
MAGA are willing enough to storm the capitol, they’d be easier to convince to “rise up” than any liberal i’ve ever seen.
Rise up against whom though? Their violence is not driven on principle. It’s out of trust and loyalty to a con man who told them to “fight like hell”. What makes you think they’ll turn on him? Other than a tiny handful of folks, when have the leapords eating their faces stopped them from offering their faces up on silver platters at the leopard’s feast?
I wouldn’t bet on MAGA suddenly waking up to class conflict to the point of guillotines unless Trump points his grubby little finger at them.
What a world that would be.
If you take reality as evidence, MAGA did more to the point of guillotines than any liberal or leftist has. They brought gallows to the capitol ffs, tell me the last time leftists built gallows and chanted to hang members of the status quo. MAGA are ironically better at antiestablishmentarianism and revolutionary action than leftists are, that’s not a praise for MAGA but a condemnation of leftist inaction.
I mean if you want to blame liberals and leftists go on ahead I suppose, thanks for being unhelpful.