Yeah it would be terrible if James Bond was used as some kind of cheap propaganda tool. Could you imagine James Bond - a sexyfied whitewashed secret agent of a globe-spanning colonial empire - being used as propaganda. What a world that would be…
Think about this; “Thunderball” and “Goldfinger” where Bond assaults women with impunity were considered fine for kids to watch, and even generated children’s toys.
Heck, there was a toy Xenomorph for 1979’s Alien too! And that was even weirder because Alien was R rated and theoretically no children should have been allowed to watch it.
We had that toy as kids. We never saw the movie (still haven’t to this day), we just thought it was cool.
This is a good story.
Back when it first came out, “Steve” was at a party and heard some people talking about the movie. He hadn’t seen it, and politely listened. He heard the entire plot, including all the twists and a dozen spoilers. Later that week he was with another group and they decided they wanted to see the movie. Steve didn’t want to spoil everyone’s fun, so he went, even though he thought he’d be bored.
Later, he wrote about how, even knowing the plot and the surprises, he was still on the edge of his seat for the whole movie.
There’s a reason people are still talking about this decades old movie.
Funny enough I haven’t actually heard a single spoiler for it. I only vaguely know about it, and it’s been on my “maybe watch if I have nothing else one day” list for at least a few years. I haven’t actively avoided it, but I haven’t actively tried to seek it out either. I’ll get to it one day, spoiled or not.
Good story in any case.
I ate the onion. This is on point.
Uh, brb, I’m off to write & submit a movie script…
I ate it too. In China, they do this with their cinema, and I partook heavily of that product for many years, so it felt familiar.
Oh shit, I bit that onion a tad too hard. What has the world come to?
So a quick thought experiment. If Bezos personally funded another $300,000,000 Amazon Bond flop out of his own pocket, he could actually do that almost 700 more times before he was only a singular billionaire.
Ah, you got me. It was just cartoon villain enough.
I legitimately expect there to be something negative about unions in it. Whether it’s a “corrupt union boss” or a union strike blamed for something bad happening.
I feel like they might be more clever than that. They will make it organized crime, make them incompetent mooks being manipulated by some fake humanitarian that is funneling charity into evil. Then a tech oligarch will help Bond at a critical time, and they’ll be like “It’s a good thing this small business owner happened to have a billion dollars that he earned through legitimate, moral effort.”
lmao I would absolutely watch a satire like this.
Does anyone know if any series ever satired itself? Especially with the same actors?
Ian Fleming crated the characters in “The Man From UNCLE” Napoleon Solo and April Dancer. The UNCLE shows were pretty tongue-in-cheek.
Just going to be a lot of shitty careless union workers that Amazon can’t terminate.
Before you say “living wage”, they’d still be shitty careless workers.