Nice JavaShip
I have a feeling nobody else at the yacht club got anywhere close to understanding the joke.
There’s so many friggin nerds sailing that it’s ridiculous. Who else makes so much so as to indulge in such a wildly expensive hobby?
Never mind the ultra rich nerdy boat names (Bayseienne, Steve Job’s weird thing, the sensible and utilitarian Google barge with all the toys, and Oracle guy’s toys, and on and on), there’s soooooo many more minor nerd boats with names like “Dream SQL” and etc.
Hope there’s a sea minus minus somewhere for whomever that was.
and a holy sea
That’s the second boat, the first one is called plus plus sea.
Next time tell the AI to use comic sans.
Get rid of the sea word
Their eye doctor’s office is called “See Sharp.”
Their fishing boat is called Dot Net.
That’s what you get when you add objects to the sea!
Wait till it Rusts!
compiler better be good.
also running might be kinda hard.
I’d prefer memory safety, any kind of overflow sounds bad for production.
I hope it doesn’t Rust
I wouldn’t worry about it given that Rust has issues binding to C++.
Good for Perl diving, I guess.