Why don’t more companies do what Steam did with Steam Deck or Evga used to do of putting people in a queue so they can buy without having to fight scalpers at brick and motor stores or bots online?
It has been the best system I’ve experienced, since whether it takes days, weeks, or months I know that when my time comes I can buy my product without having to beat out other people.
Because at the end of the day it’s not worth it for the company, they don’t have enough reputation loss out of not having the product available to Warrant the effort to put the system like that. They’re not losing any money because the scalpers are still buying, Plus for some reason users aren’t putting two and two together that if they didn’t buy the scalpers products the scalpers would stop scalping and therefore the cycle just continues
If people would just stop buying cards at or above MSRP from third-party sellers, this problem would have been done away with 5 years ago
Why don’t more companies do what Steam did with Steam Deck or Evga used to do of putting people in a queue so they can buy without having to fight scalpers at brick and motor stores or bots online?
It has been the best system I’ve experienced, since whether it takes days, weeks, or months I know that when my time comes I can buy my product without having to beat out other people.
Because at the end of the day it’s not worth it for the company, they don’t have enough reputation loss out of not having the product available to Warrant the effort to put the system like that. They’re not losing any money because the scalpers are still buying, Plus for some reason users aren’t putting two and two together that if they didn’t buy the scalpers products the scalpers would stop scalping and therefore the cycle just continues
If people would just stop buying cards at or above MSRP from third-party sellers, this problem would have been done away with 5 years ago