For me it would be a full copy of wikipedia, an offline copy of some maps of where I live, some linux ISO’s, and a lot of entertainment media.
For me it would be a full copy of wikipedia, an offline copy of some maps of where I live, some linux ISO’s, and a lot of entertainment media.
Right after Wikipedia, it would be the Arch Linux wiki.
does that apply to the rest of Linux? I saw it in Kiwix but haven’t delved into it
I did grab the ifixit zim though. pretty cool at only ~7gb
I’ve never used arch but their docs are so helpful. Been referencing them for years.
For what
The arch linux wiki, where you will be instructed to install various dependencies from the AUR
Why doesn’t the OS install those for you
Depends on how up-to-date your install image is. If you downloaded the ISO 6 months ago, chances are, the build you downloaded is out of date (doubly so if it’s Arch). Most installers have an online option that will download the updates and install the newest version, but if you don’t have access to the internet, then all you have is the data included in the ISO that you got 6 months ago.