Steve Jobs, an otherwise very intelligent and successful guy, got diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and instead of jumping right on treating it instead let it go and sought out all sorts of “natural” cures. Well it became terminal and he admitted that if he had treated it at the start it was in an early enough stage where he likely would’ve survived. There is a trait in some smart people to think they are experts on everything.
Steve Jobs, an otherwise very intelligent and successful guy, got diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and instead of jumping right on treating it instead let it go and sought out all sorts of “natural” cures. Well it became terminal and he admitted that if he had treated it at the start it was in an early enough stage where he likely would’ve survived. There is a trait in some smart people to think they are experts on everything.
Tfw you distrust the scientific establishment and take health into your own hands to stick it to the man. But then you realize you’re the man.
For a soul-crushing perfectionist slave-driver asshole, Jobs had quite a few fluffy New Age beliefs. It always seemed a bit incongruous.