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Damn, I was really holding out for Hella for 10^27
Urgh. Batter not.
In case you wondered where they came in the list like I immediately did:
- quetta Q 10^30
- ronna R 10^27
- yotta Y 10^24
- zetta Z 10^21
- exa E 10^18
- peta P 10^15
- tera T 10^12
- giga G 10^9
- mega M 10^6
- kilo k 10^3
- hecto h 10^2
- deca da 10^1
- ——
- deci d 10^−1
- centi c 10^−2
- milli m 10^−3
- micro μ 10^−6
- nano n 10^−9
- pico p 10^−12
- femto f 10^p−15
- atto a 10^−18
- zepto z 10^−21
- yocto y 10^−24
- ronto r 10^−27
- quecto q 10^−30
Googol 10^100.
(Not sure if that’s official prefix.)
As far as I remember it isn’t, it’s just a named specific large number, like Avogadro’s number or Graham’s number.
Glory to the metric system 🫡🇫🇷
Fun fact: they made these because Cookie Clicker needed them
Cookie Clicker doesn’t use SI prefixes. It just uses numbers (eg million, billion, octodecillion, etc…), which already extend into basically infinity I believe.
Yes 2025 will be great year.
Not to be confused with
I’m hella disappointed