Europeans are really fucking racist. Asians and Jews are cool and yet yall are really weird about them. and don’t get me started on how badly Islam is vilified…
Some of the most racist people I’ve met are Asian. My neighbor is a Filipino Trump supporter who was patrolling the property with a concealed gun during the BLM protests
Nobody is “weird” about Asians or Jews where I live, that I know of. I’m even half west-Asian myself. Nobody had been weird about it to me, ever. I was always met with positivity regarding my heritage. Surprised to see you say this, to be honest.
Europeans are really fucking racist. Asians and Jews are cool and yet yall are really weird about them. and don’t get me started on how badly Islam is vilified…
You seriously never met a racist Asian?
Of course he has, fuck’s lying or stupid
try reading what i wrote again you fucking moron
are you stupid? what makes you think i said that
You called out one group for being racist and said another was cool as if they are not also really racist
Asians are racist af even against other Asians
I’m not surprised, they have to live with them!
Although in fairness a lot of it is anti Japanese hate, and that was some heinous shit that went down in the 40s, even by WWII standards.
Some of the most racist people I’ve met are Asian. My neighbor is a Filipino Trump supporter who was patrolling the property with a concealed gun during the BLM protests
And that justifies anything?
and racist
damn you got upset at me saying Asians are cool? what a clown
Nobody is “weird” about Asians or Jews where I live, that I know of. I’m even half west-Asian myself. Nobody had been weird about it to me, ever. I was always met with positivity regarding my heritage. Surprised to see you say this, to be honest.
middle eastern person says on internet that they haven’t experienced racism, must mean there’s no racism