Because they couldn’t. He bought the bag before they automatically tracked all purchasers with a unique ID on the bags they sell. The CEO of PD actively called the tip line.

    • Elvith Ma'
      2 months ago

      I don’t think that ‘tracing’ here means something like ‘there’s a GPS tracker in every backpack’.

      You could see this type of backpack in a CCTV shot. Later the police recovered a backpack - that they thought was the one on CCTV - and now need to find the owner. If it was registered at the company by the owner, they may have been able to say “oh yes, that serial number is registered to a customer. Here’s their name and address they told us when registering at $date”. If the customer never registered their bag, the only piece of information they could give out would (maybe) be something like “This bag was sent to an Amazon warehouse at $date, ask them if they know who bought these bags around $date”

        2 months ago

        Ah yes, product registration. Good to know me absentmindedly not registering is fighting against police tracking and CEO business strategy.